Term and symbol for "soft"
Piano: p
Solfege ladder
Solfege stairs
What is the word for the inclusion of both the treble and bass clef into one combined staff?
Grand staff
In the key of F Major, where is DO located on the staff?
The first space
Title of your new song?
Some One
In This Ancient House
Rain Music
Sigh No More, Ladies
Term and symbol for "loud"
Forte: f
Term for how fast or slow music is performed
What is the symbol called that looks like a little dot above or below a note? What does the note mean you do?
Staccato - short and detached note
What solfege is located on the 3rd line of the musical staff?
Where on your sheet music is the composer located?
Top right, beneath the title
Term and symbol for a gradual increase in volume
Crescendo: <
What is the term for the 5 lines and 4 spaces?
Musical staff
What do the top and bottom number signify?
Top: Number of beats per measure
Bottom: What note gets the beat
What symbol signifies F major? G major? What do these symbols look like?
Flat (b); sharp (#)
Where do you write/see measure numbers on your music?
Term and symbol for a gradual decrease in volume
Decrescendo: >
What is the term for the 2 potential symbols that go on your staff at the very beginning of every line?
Treble clef and bass clef
What is the word for the musical keys that sound "sad?" This kind of key starts on LA instead of DO.
Minor keys
G clef and F clef
A piece of music has piano accompaniment, and 2 girl voices (soprano and alto). What is the order, from top to bottom, of voices on your sheet music?
Top: Soprano (treble clef)
Middle: Alto (treble clef)
Bottom: Piano (grand staff)
Term and symbol for medium-soft volume
Mezzo-piano: mp
What is the word for the numbers at the beginning of your musical staff? Ex: 4/4/ or 6/8
Time signature
What is the symbol that looks like a little horizontal line above or below a note? What does the note mean you do?
Tenuto - slight weight added to note as you hold it for its full length
What solfege is located on the fourth space of the staff in F major?
Where would a poet or lyricist's name be located on your sheet music?
Top left, beneath the title