Name this note:
How many lines are on the staff?
Ignore the fingering and name the note
F sharp
The major scale that uses only white keys on the piano (no sharps or flats)
What is the C major scale?
The name of the element of music that describes changes of volume.
Good Boys Deserve Fudge Always
The lines of the bass clef
Use ledger lines to draw the note A on the treble clef (above or below the staff - your choice!)
On the first line above or the second line below
Something that lowers the sound of a note by one half tone
What is a flat?
The pattern of whole tones and half tones to make a major scale starting on any note
What is italian for loud or strong?
Is a handy way to remember the spaces in the treble clef.
FACE (in the SPACE)
What note is this?
What does a natural look like?
Use a marker to label a D major scale on the keyboard
D E F# G A B C# D
mp is the short form/symbol for...
mezzo piano
It goes here!
What is F?
The number of ledger lines I will need to draw to write the note F below the treble clef.
These are the two things that can cancel out an accidental
A bar line and a natural sign
Another name for E# .
What is F?
These two symbols, from left to right, are called:
crescendo and decrescendo
Is spelled like this:
What is cabbage?
Describe how to place the note D above the bass clef (example: above or on the ____th ledger line)
Above the first ledger line
Use a marker to make all Gs in this tune flat. You can draw a maximum of five symbols.
(write a flat before the first G in each bar)
Use a marker to add accidentals to transform this into an E major scale.
Add F#, G#, and D#.
Why might a composer or performer decide to vary the volume in a piece of music (what effect does it have)?
To vary the energy level
To make it more interesting/varied to the listener
To achieve a specific mood