This is the main focus of leisure ability model.
Independence Skills
This assessed first in this health protection model.
Health Risks .
What does TR stand for in the TR service delivery model ?
Therapeutic Recreation.
It is one of the three main outcome categories in the TR Outcome?
Health .
The virtue play in achieving the good life ,as per Aristotle .
It is crucial for moral excellence and good life .
This is the role of leisure .
Promotion of well being.
This is what health protection emphasize .
Wellness promotion .
What are the four components of this service delivery model ?
Assessment ,Planning ,implementation ,evaluation .
This aspect of participants' lives does the TR Outcome Model assess.
Quality of life.
The contribution contemplation meke to good life .
It leads to intellectual fulfillment and happiness.
This Why there is need to assess leisure .
To identify strengths .
This is how is health promoted in this model.
Through positive choices .
This is why is assessment crucial in TR service delivery model.
Identifies individual needs and preferences .
This is how this model view the relationship between leisure and health.
Interconnected and mutually influential.
The relationship between ethics and good life ?
Ethical behaviour is integral to leading a good life .
Key outcome of Leisure ability model .
Enhanced participation.
It is the ultimate goal of health protection model .
Optimal health .
This is who benefits from the service delivery model .
Individual with various abilities and needs.
This is how the TR outcome model support ongoing program improvement.
Continuous evaluation and adjustment.
According to this model how does one develop moral virtue .
Through habituation and practising virtuous acts.
It supports leisure ability model .
Lifelong engagement.
This is how health protection model addresses environmental health factors .
By promoting safe and health conscious environment.
This drive the TR service delivery model success .
Person centered and evidence based practices.
This is the role leisure play in the TR outcome model .
Key mediator of positive outcomes .
The ultimate goal of human existence is.