Planning an Outing
Social Skills
Creative Arts
Benefits of Activities
Things You Learn in the Community

If you want to go to a movie, what kind of things do you need to think about before you go?

What is: movie times, how will you get there, and how much are tickets?


When you are on Zoom, and you have something to say, what is the best way to get attention?

What is raise your hand, or wait for a pause, or say “excuse me”?


What would you be making if you cut out pictures and glued them to a posterboard?

What is a collage?


What are the benefits of exercise?

What is strength, energy, health, endurance?


Before you cross the street, what do you need to do?

What is stop, look at street light, look both ways, wait for crossing signal?


If you go on an overnight trip, what are important items to pack?

What is: toothbrush, toothpaste, clothes, pajamas, towel, bathroom items (toiletries)?


What should you do when you become angry or frustrated at someone?

What is use your words, talk it out, go on a walk, take a break?


Name 2 activities that use needles and yarn?

What is knitting and crochet?


Being able to stand on one foot requires what?

What is balance?


If you want to find someplace to go in town, where can you look?

What is a map (paper or phone), online search, Google, newspaper, social media?


If you go camping, what are things you might need?

What are: tent, sleeping bag, firewood, food, water, proper clothes, first aid supplies?


When you make a phone call what is the first thing you would say when they answer the phone (demo answering the phone)?

What is "Hi, this is (name). I am calling for _________”?


What tools do you need for woodworking?

What is wood, a hammer, nails and a saw?


What are the benefits of yoga?

What is flexibility, relaxation, strength, balance?


If you need to take a bus somewhere, what do you need to know?

What is the bus schedule, where are the bus stops, how much is the bus fare?


What kinds of things could be on your calendar that you need to pay attention to when planning if you will be able to do an activity?

What are birthdays, appointments, Special Olympics tournaments, holidays, TRS programs?


If you think someone is cute and you want to get to know them, what is something you can say?

What is “Hi, my name is _____, what is yours?”, “can we hang out sometime?”?


What is an old-fashioned way to make a blanket by hand using scraps of fabric?

What is quilting?


The benefits of this activity are coordination and social interaction. It normally occurs with music.

What is dancing?


When you want to buy something, what are things you need to think about?

What is how much does it cost, how much money do you have, can you afford it?


If you want to save money to go on a vacation what are some ways to save?

What is eat dinner at home, no shopping for extra stuff, have a garage sale?


When is it appropriate to hold hands with someone that you like?

What is after you have gotten to know them, and when you have gotten their permission?


In which activity do you use clay, glaze, a kiln, and sometimes a wheel?

What is ceramics?


The benefits of this activity are fine motor skills, creativity, independence, and sense of accomplishment?

What is art?

(could also be cooking, gardening)


When ordering food in a restaurant, what do you need to do with the waiter/waitress before speaking your order?

What is make eye contact and make sure they are ready to hear you?
