This is the treaty territory we are meeting on today (number).
What is Treaty 4 Territory.
This term is used to identify when services and interactions are respectful of culture and identify. This incorporates a persons needs and rights and is free from discrimination.
a) Cultural Safety
b) Cultural Responsiveness
c) Cultural Inclusion
What is cultural safety.
IPAC stands for...
Infection Prevention and Control
True or false: Health networks are collaborative teams of health professionals, including physicians and community partners providing fully integrated services to meet the health needs of individuals and communities.
What is True.
This is the form you complete if you have observed a safety incident or near miss involving a client.
What is a client safety report.
This is the broad term used in Canada to identify the original peoples of North America and their descendants.
What is indigenous or aborginal.
This is a health care approach that seeks to create a safe health care environment based on understanding trauma and how it impacts health and behavior.
What is trauma informed care (practice or approach).
True or false: Point of care risk assessments, environmental control, personal protective equipment, administrative controls and hand hygiene are all routine practices.
What is true.
These are non-medical factors that impact a persons well-being. They include such factors as income, education, and housing.
What are the social determinants of health.
You would activate this code if there was a fire in the building.
What is a code red.
These are the three groups of indigenous peoples recognized under the Canadian Constitution.
What are Indians (First Nations), Inuit, Metis
True or False: Privacy is the right of an individual to determine when, how and the extent to which their health and personal information is shared with others.
What is true.
Infection is spread through 6 links: infectious agent, reservoir, portal of exit, mode of transmission, portal of entry and susceptible host. This is known as
a) the chain of transmission
b) the chain of infection
c) the chain of illness
What is the chain of infection.
Health equality is ensuring all individuals receive the same services and resources. Health ______ is ensuring people receive the right amount of services they need to be well.
What is equity.
This is a group of individuals made up of managers and staff representatives who are responsible for making recommendations to correct hazards and respond to concerns in every SHA facility.
What is the occupational health and safety committee.
An amendment was made to the Indian Act making it mandatory for all indigenous children to attend these.
What are residential schools.
FACT: Residential schools were established to kill the Indian and save the man. Approximately 150,000 children were removed from their homes and attended residential schools.
This is our ethical responsibility as people working in the health care system to keep personal health information secret and secure.
What is confidentiality.
What order should the following PPE be doffed?
Gown, Sheild, Mask, Gloves
What is Gloves, gown, shield, mask.
True or false: Elements of health networks include: alignment and program optimization, team integration, community integration, high quality care transitions, know your network know your services.
What is true.
In the event of a chemical spill you would activate this code.
What is a code brown.
How many first nations communities (reserves) are there in Saskatchewan?
a) 70
b) 80
c) 90
What is 70.
Which legislation applies healthcare in Saskatchewan?a) The Health Information Protection Act
b) The Health Care Directives and Substitute Decision Makers Act
c) The Local Authority Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act
d) A and B
e) all of the above
What is E
Name two of the four moments of hand hygiene.
1. Before contact with a patient/patient environment.
2. After contact with a patient/patient environment.
3. Before an aseptic procedure.
4. After body fluid exposure risk.
How many South East Integrated Rural Health Networks are there?
A) 7
B) 9
C) 10
What is 9.
This is the single most effective strategy to reduce the spread of illness.
What is hand hygiene.