Movie and TV characters
Noticing Emotions
Being a friend/ Family member
Coping Strategies
Taking care of myself

On the show Sponge Bob, does Sponge Bob seem depressed or  does he seem more like he deals with hyperactivity? 

Sponge Bob presents with some symptoms of  hyperactivity and ADHD and not symptoms of depression 

If someone is crying they might feel ...




You see someone in your neighborhood who is around your age. What could you do? 

Talk to them. Find out what their interests are/ see if you have anything in common that you might like to do together


You are doing your school work and you feel tired. What could you do to feel more alert? 

Drink cold water

Hold a cold ice pack

Take a break to get up and move around

Make sure you eat enough

Use a fidget item

Go outside to get some fresh air

Make sure you get at least 8 hours of sleep at night


How many hours of sleep should a person your age get? 


Which character is often in a bad mood on the old show Seasame Street? 

Oscar the Grouch 


If someone is quiet and standing back from joining an activity they might feel...





Your sister said something mean to you. What could you do? 

Tell them how you feel, walk away to take a break, tell a grown-up or ask for grown-up help


You are feeling bored. What could you do? 

Find things to do that are fun for you to help yourself feel more entertained

Ask for adult help with finding something to do if you need to.

Switch up tasks so that you aren't doing the same exact things over and over again  


Should I keep my feelings in or talk about them? 

Bottling our feelings up can make our brains and bodies more stressed so it's important to talk about how we are feeling with trusted people! : ) 


In the movie Inside out 2, which character is orange? 

Anxiety! Have you ever felt anxious? 


If someone has a red face and is frowning they might feel 






Someone asks to borrow something important to you and you don't feel comfortable letting them borrow it. What could you do? 

Say : " I dont' feel like sharing this right now" 

It's ok to set boundaries sometimes! There might be other things you are more comfortable sharing and you could share those things sometime, but everyone has something they might not want to share. 


You are feeling angry about something someone else did or said. What could you do? 

Take a break to yourself before trying to talk about it so you don't say something you might regret

Punch a pillow

Yell into a pillow or outside where there aren't others around

Write or draw about your feelings

rip up a piece of a paper

do push-ups

Use breathing exercises

wrap yourself up in a blanket and take time to rest

Talk with a trusted person when you feel ready to do so


What are ways to have positive self-esteem? 

Do fun activities you enjoy

Try new things

Ask for help from friends and family with remembering all of the good things about yourself

Write or draw about the things you like about yourself 


In the movie Home Alone, how does Kevin feel about being alone? 

At first he was excited but then he was scared and lonely. 

Have you ever felt mixed feelings like that? 


If someone gets invited to a birthday party, how might they feel? 

happy/ excited 


You are having a tough day and someone in your family or a family friend asks you how your day is going. What could you do? 

You could tell them the truth about how you are feeling if they are someone you trust and feel comfortable telling. People who care about you want to know the truth about how you are feeling. 


What if you are feeling hard on yourself or angry with yourself about something? 

Take time to remember all of the things that you've been doing well

Talk to a trusted person about it

Do something that you enjoy and that you are good at 

Remember that none of us are perfect and we all have things we are working on 

Use strategies that help with anger in other situations 


Why is going outside good for you? 

We need something called vitamin D that we get from the sun for our health and mental health! Going outside also gives us chances to run around, play, and get exercise and see interesting things, and that is also good for our brains, bodies, and how we feel emotionally! Also, we breathe in chemicals from the trees and other plants that are good for our immune system and for the happy chemicals in our brains!


On the Ninja Turtles, which turtle is known as the "smart guy" ?


What is something that helps you remember how smart you are? 


If someone lost a pet, how might they feel?  

sad, mad, confused , scared


Your friend is upset and crying. What could you do? 

Ask them why they are upset and if they need any help and get help from a trusted adult 


You are feeling very overwhelmed and anxious. What could you do? 

Take a break and go to a quiet spot

Take deep , slow breaths

Pay attention to each of your senses 

Remind yourself of a helpful phrase you can tell yourself like "one thing at a time" , " Just Breathe", "I'm ok" , " "It's going to be ok" etc. 


Is it important to take breaks to move around ? 

Yes, breaks to move around help us focus! We need to move around bodies to be able to then feel relaxed and calm : ) 
