Movie , book, and TV characters
Noticing Emotions
Being a friend/ Family member
Coping Strategies
Taking care of myself

On Inside Out One, which character is red?


What is something that can help you when you feel angry? 


If someone isn't wanting to go to school they might be feeling...

Sad, lonely, nervous about school 


What is one way to be a good brother? 

Teach them things, listen, share common interests and activities, share thoughts and feelings with them in an honest and kind way. Give them space when they ask for it. Share toys or other belongings 


You are feeling tired in the morning before school. What could you do? 

eat breakfast

take a shower or bath

move around to increase energy 

Think about something you might be looking forward to that day 

Use a fidget item 


How many hours of sleep should a person your age get? 


Is there a Pokemon character that seems sad? 

Cubone often looks like a sad Pokemon character

( If there is another pokemon you think has a sad looking face, you can share that too) 

How can you tell if someone else might be feeling sad? 


If a baby is watching you they might be feeling...

Curious or interested in what you are doing

Babies learn by watching other people : ) 


What if someone at school has been being mean to you many times?  

Ask for help from an adult you trust 


You are feeling bored. What could you do? 

Find things to do that are fun for you to help yourself feel more entertained

Switch up tasks so that you aren't doing the same exact things over and over again  

Take a break to move around


Should I keep my feelings in or talk about them? 

Bottling our feelings up can make our brains and bodies more stressed so it's important to talk about how we are feeling with trusted people! : ) 


In the book Green Eggs and Ham, the character is worried about_____

Trying Green Eggs and Ham because they are something new. 

Have you ever felt worries about trying something new? 


If someone is walking away they might need to...

Take a break to calm down

They might need some space 


What if a friend is usually nice to you but they made a mistake and said something unkind? 

You could talk with them about how it made you feel and ask them more about what is going on. 

They might need a break first to calm down because maybe they are having a tough day 

You could ask for adult help with talking with them if needed 


You are feeling very angry about something someone else did or said. What could you do? 

Take a break to yourself before trying to talk about it so you don't say something you might regret

Punch a pillow

Yell into a pillow or outside where there aren't others around

Write or draw about your feelings

rip up a piece of a paper

do push-ups

Use breathing exercises

wrap yourself up in a blanket and take time to rest

Talk with a trusted person when you feel ready to do so


What are ways to have positive self-esteem? 

Do fun activities you enjoy

Try new things

Ask for help from friends and family with remembering all of the good things about yourself

Write or draw about the things you like about yourself 


In the Nightmare Before Christmas , why did Jack Skeleton decide to change the yearly plan to include Christmas? 

He was bored 

Have you ever felt bored? What helped? 


How might someone feel if they beat a video game? 

happy, excited, proud 


What could you do if you want to spend more time with someone in your family or with a friend? 

You could ask them to play a game or activity with you 


What if you are feeling hard on yourself or angry with yourself about something? 

Take time to remember all of the things that you've been doing well

Talk to a trusted person about it

Do something that you enjoy and that you are good at 

Remember that none of us are perfect and we all have things we are working on 

Use strategies that help with anger or sadness in other situations 


What is a way to make sure you get enough sunlight this time of year when it's darker and colder? 

Walk dog

play outside with a younger child

Go for a walk with a friend or family member

Get up earlier to take a few minutes outside in the morning 

Any other ideas or ways that you do this? 


Who is Sonic's best friend? 


Do you have a good friend or good friends you can trust and rely on ? 


If your little sister is making a face at you are calling you a name she might to trying to...

Get your attention

What could you do? 


What if someone in your family asks you how your day was and you had a tough day? 

You could tell them the truth so that they can help you with it and you can get your feelings out 


You are excited about something and are having a hard time going to sleep because you can't stop thinking about it. 

The hands on eyes strategy to relax your eye muscles for sleep

listening to calm music

Taking break from screen so the light doesn't keep you awake 

Dark and quiet space 


Is it important to eat lunch at school? 

Yes because your body needs the energy to be able to regulate your feelings and focus 
