Dinner, After, Homework
What is the subordinate conjunction? Make a sentence.
Friends, Unless, Help
What is the subordinate conjunction? Make a sentence.
Fix the sentence: They watch TV all night.
They have watched TV all night.
Is this sentence correct?: He has sleeped all night.
NO! He has slept all night.
Lauren worried when she handed her mom her report card. She carefully watched her mom and felt relieved when she saw her mom smile.
Cheese, Although, Pizza
What is the subordinate conjunction? Make a sentence.
Teeth, Sleep, Before
What is the subordinate conjunction? Make a sentence.
Fix the sentence: She buys groceries.
She has bought groceries.
Is this sentence correct?: I have bought them gifts for Christmas.
Sam looked outside and saw white flakes coming from the sky. He was happy because he knew he wouldn't have to go to school.
What did Sam see outside?
Store, When, Groceries
What is the subordinate conjunction? Make a sentence.
If, Money, Buy
What is the subordinate conjunction? Make a sentence.
Fix the sentence: He plays with his friends.
He has played with his friends.
Is this sentence correct?: I have eated my pizza for lunch.
David couldn't believe his eyes. It was much bigger than he had imagined. He couldn't wait to see Mickey Mouse and ride the rides.
Where was David?
Chore, Grounded, Because
What is the subordinate conjunction? Make a sentence.
Once, Hot, Swimming
Fix the sentence: My mom cleans the house.
My mom has cleaned the house.
Is this sentence correct?: She has founded her lost toy.
NO! She has found her lost toy.
Fred pounded on the keyboard and clicked the mouse. "Why won't this thing work" he said angrily. He finally stomped off and gave up.
What wouldn't work?