Your stomach butterflies, something big is going to happen, you have chills, you feel cold.
Scared, afraid, nervous, or anxious
What should you do if someone walks up and makes fun of you.
Tell an adult, let it go, calm down and walk away.
Your younger sibling hits you should you...
Hit them back or Tell your parent/guardian?
Tell parent/guardian
How big is the Eiffel tower?
a.) none of your business
b.) 324 Meters
c.) 100
d.) Blue
True or False.
The Brain works using chemicals and electricty
You feel hot, face turns red, clenching your fists.
Angry or mad
You feel so hyper and excited for the day. But you feel like you have TOO much energy to handle and might get into trouble. What do you do?
Take some deep breathes and calm down.
You trip and fall in front of the class and one kid laughs at you, should you....
Slam his desk like the Hulk and jump through the wall or just let it go and take deep breathes.
Just let it go and take deep breathes.
a.) dr. strange
b.) Dr. weird
c.) Spiderman
d.) the avengers
a.) dr. strange
True or False.
Exercise and eating right can help with your brain, anxiety, and depression.
Research shows that exercise and healthy eating is one of the most effective ways of managing anxiety and depression.
You feel like jumping up and down. You can't wait for something to happen.
You lose at a game and think to yourself "I'm such a loser, I lose at everything.
What do you do!?
Challenge the thought.
Tell yourself you win at allot of things.
You wake up feeling a little grumpy and everything is irritating you, Should you..
Talk about how you feel and try to cheer up or call down a lightning strike using your might hammer Moljnir?
Talk about how you feel and try to cheer up..... unless you have Moljnir then you should give Moljnir to your counselor so he can live his dream of being Thor.
How many forts are in a fortnite?
a.) What?
b.) I've never played fortnite
c.) Brandon is awesome?
c.) Brandon is awesome
True or False?
You only use 10% of your brain
False. We use almost our entire brain 10% is a myth.
You feel like curling into a ball. Your stomach hurts and your eyes start to water.
You are playing a game and your parent/guardian asks you to help bring in groceries but you are in the middle of a level.
What do you do?
You walk outside and see someone cough into their hand and then they try to shake your hand, what should you do?
Tell them nicely that you don't shake hands because of coronavirus or scream at the top of your lungs and run away?
Tell them nicely that you don't shake hands because of coronavirus
How many people are their on the Earth?
a.)7.53 Billion
b.) allot
c.) 4
d.)4 Billion
a.) 7.53 Billion
What is the system that causes us to feel afraid or nervous?
Hint. F____ or F_____
Fight or Flight
You aren't happy or sad. You just feel in the middle. Nothing is bothering you but you aren't overly happy either. You feel just good enough.
You make a really bad mistake in school and get yelled at. You feel like you might as well give up for the rest of the day since you already "blew it".
What do you do?
Remind yourself that everyone makes mistakes. Let it go and try to turn the day around.
Use calm down techniques if you need to.
Someone says that they have the best counselor ever and you disagree because your counselor is awesome (obviously), what do you do?
Collect all 6 infinity stones and snap them out of existence or tell them "that's nice"
Collect all six.... just kidding tell them "that's nice"
What color are Brandon's eyes?
a.) brown
b.) he has no eyes
c.) rainbow
d.) hazel
d.) Hazel
What is the part of your brain that is responsible for making you nervous/ anxious?