Negative vs Positive
True or False

"My life is's horrible and will never be good"

"Things are hard right now, but this doesn't mean things will stay the same forever. There are hills and valleys in life"

True or False. Not everyone feels all of the emotions.

False. Everyone will feel emotional at some point and we've all felt each emotion at different times in life. 


What activities help you to feel better?

Playing, spending time with friends/family, taking a break, sports/exercise, being outdoors, cooking/baking, crafting, being with pets/animals, playing games, music...


What emotion could this be? Tired, in a fog, burnt out, no motivation, heavy, tearful.



Joey becomes angry and yells at his mother because she took away his phone until he completed his chores. 

It's okay for Joey to be angry. He could work on calming down before he works on his chores to earn phone time again. 

"I'm so angry! I can't help it i need to throw things!"

"I feel super angry, but I can choose different ways to deal with my anger other than throwing things. Throwing things is not okay".


True or False. It's okay to be very angry.

True! It's totally okay to feel really's what we do with the feeling that matters.


How to do deep/slow breathing techniques

breath in through your nose slowly. HOLD. Breath out slowly through your mouth. HOLD

What emotion could this be? lots of tension, feeling hot, clenched fists, adrenaline, heart racing...

Anger, Rage, Mad


Hannah is tired and feels sad at school and wants to go home early. Her mother tells her she can't and has to complete the school day. 

Hannah could talk to a teacher/trusted adult at school for help or talk to a friend to distract herself for the day or she could plan to do fun things when she gets home. 


"It's their fault I didn't win...this competition isn't fair and I should have won!"

"You can't always win every time. Even though I'm sad I lost, I can still enjoy myself. I can try again next time".


True or False. You cannot change your emotions

Both True and False! You cannot stop yourself from feeling emotions, but you can choose what you do with them. 


What is the 54321 Technique?

5: See. 4: Hear. 3: Feel. 2: Smell. 1: Taste


What emotion could this be? butterflies in the stomach, warm/sweaty hands, hear racing faster, shaking

Anxiety, Fear, Nervousness


Sally's teacher tells her that she needs to start doing her work. Sally doesn't want to do it and refuses and calls the teacher "dumb".

Sally could ask for help with the work, ask for a break if she's feeling burnt out, or use skills to calm down before starting the work. 


"My teacher hates me and I'm always in trouble! He's out to get me because I did nothing wrong!"

"Just because I'm in trouble doesn't mean my teacher hates me. I might not always agree with all of the rules all of the time."


True or False. There's no way to stop an angry outburst once it starts. 

False. Even though it may be difficult. You can learn ways to calm down when you get very angry. The first step is choosing to try. 


What is progressive muscle relaxation?

Squeezing/clenching a muscle (like your fists or arms) as tightly as possible and then releasing all the tension. 


What is a secondary emotion?

Anger is a secondary emotion. This means that there's something hidden underneath that's the true emotion.
