What might someone be feeling if their head is down, they are frowning, and they have tears in their eyes?
What are 2 physical things that happen in your body when your stress response is activated?
heart beat faster, butterflies in stomach, face gets hot, get sweaty, shaking, breathing faster
What is one thing you can do to manage stress?
deep breathing, counting, spend time in nature, get good sleep, movement/physical activity, tense & relax muscles, positive thinking, self-talk, get organized, ask for help, visualization
What is an impulse?
A feeling or urge to say or do something
What makes someone a good friend?
Various answers possible: kind, trustworthy, helpful, loyal
What are 3 other words for mad?
Angry, furious, frustrated, grumpy, irritated, annoyed, upset, hot, cranky, etc.
What is your stress response called? Hint: 3 words that all start with F
Fight Flight Freeze Response
What is one breathing strategy to help with calming down?
belly breathing, roller coaster breathing, cookie breathing, box breathing
What is impulse control?
The ability to stop and think when we have an impulse
True or False: I can get along with someone even if I don't like them
What is something that makes you feel mad?
answers vary for each person
What is one of the chemicals in your brain that increases when your stress response is activated?
adrenaline (epinephrine), coritsol, norepinephrine
What is one thing I can do to be organized?
Various answers possible such as: get bag ready night before, pick out clothes night before, write down assignments, keep locker clean, etc.
False: everyone has impulses, we can have an impulse to do something bad or something good. Just because we have an impulse, doesn't mean we have to act on it.
What does active listening look like?
Eye contact, facing the person, quiet, nodding, not doing something else, answering/responding
True or False: Some feelings are wrong to have
False: all feelings are okay to have, it's what we do with them that can be right or wrong
This part of your brain is considered your watchdog and sends alerts to other parts of your brain when it senses danger
True or False: Relaxation strategies will take away your negative feelings and solve the problem
False: relaxation strategies will help decrease the intensity of your emotion so you can think more clearly and better handle the problem
What is one impulse you have sometimes that can get you in trouble?
Various answers possible such as: interrupt someone, yell, cheat, lie, blurt out, throw something
If someone is bothering me, a good way to handle it is:
various answers possible:ask them to stop, move away from them, ignore them, ask for help from an adult
What might someone be feelings if they are smiling and jumping up and down?
Excited, happy, fantastic, etc.
True or False: your fight flight freeze response is only activated if you are in real physical danger
False: our fight flight freeze response can be activated for problems that are not physical or even when we think there is a problem or danger, even if there isn't.
What is one physical activity you can do to help manage stress?
Various answers possible such as ride a bike, jumping jacks, jog in place, push ups, sit ups, go for a walk
What is something you can say to yourself to help you use impulse control?
What is something you can do to get to know someone better?
Ask them questions, invite them to play