What is a personal strength you think you currently have?
Wow that sounds like a good one!
Name something you like about yourself
Yes! There are so many awesome things about you!
Earn an extra 100 points for naming 3 extra things you like about yourself!
Tell about a time you felt sad
When you are mad .... what coping skill helps you feel better?
Way to go!
True or False
Self-Care is the same as Coping Skills
self-care is helping to maintain overall well-being, while coping skills are specific strategies used to manage stressful situations in the moment
How can you be kind to yourself?
That's a good strategy! Keep up the good work!
Tell about the happiest moment of your life
Yeah for happiness!!
Tell about a time you felt stressed
Ugh... I see how that could have been hard!
True or False
Coping skills are dumb and do not work
Coping skills are fantastic and help us feel better!
Name a strategy you can use for your own self-care after a stressful moment
Wow that's a good one!
True or False
There are 3 types of self-esteem
Low self-esteem: Having difficulty valuing yourself
High self-esteem: Valuing and accepting yourself
Inflated self-esteem: Thinking you're better than others
Tell about something you are good at
You are awesome!!
What is your favorite feeling?
That is a great feeling to have!!
Earn an extra 100 points if you can tell me a time you felt this way!
When you are sad.... what coping skill helps you feel better?
Great job!
True or False
Exercise can be a form of self-care
Exercise helps to get the mind flowing and the blood pumping and this could be an excellent way to self-care! Just 30 minutes of walking every day can boost your mood and improve your health!
What is one goal you can set for yourself to build up your self-esteem and what you think about yourself?
Wow! Great answer!
Tell about a time you were brave
You rock!
Tell about a time you felt angry/mad
That would have made me mad too!
What is a coping skill someone can use when they are feeling worried or anxious?
Great idea! I am going to try that one for sure!
You're having a hard time doing your homework because you don't have any motivation. What is something you can do to self-care and bring yourself back to the moment to be able to have motivation?
Those are great ideas!
Tell me something you do for self-care
That sounds like a really good strategy!
Fill in the blank:
I am proud of myself when
Go you!!!
What is something that makes you laugh?
Ha ha ha!!
Earn an extra 100 points by telling a funny joke!
Name 3 coping skills you use that almost always help you feel better
Great job!!!
What are the 5 types of self-care?
Physical, Mental, Social, Spiritual, and Emotional.
Its okay if you didn't get this, the points will still be given. Its quite difficult to remember them all sometimes!