Coping Skills
Self Love
FUN :)

List three GOOD emotions.

Happy, excited, pride, motivated, silly, love, gratitude, and many more.


What are coping skills used for?

Coping skills help us with our feelings, especially the bad ones. 


Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about your feelings at home?

This could be mom, brother, dad, aunt, uncle, cousins, anyone you trust and connect with at home. 


What are two of your favorite personality traits in yourself?

Kind, funny, smart, athletic, hardworking, caring, understanding, etc.


Sweet OR Salty

I love fries too much to give them up!


List three emotions that make you feel bad. 

Sad, bored, angry, frustrated, irritable, nervous, lonely, anxious, etc. 

What is your FAV coping skill?

I really enjoy going through my five senses when I am nervous. I make notes in my head of what I see, hear, smell, taste, and feel.


Who at school do you feel most comfortable talking to about feelings?

Teacher, guidance counselor, friend, nurse, anyone of your choosing. 


What are compliments you receive from others? Do you agree with these compliments?

Compliments are nice things that others say to you because they like that aspect of you. You should almost always agree with a compliment, as you deserve them!

Describe your perfect day.

The sun may be shining, weather may be warm, surrounded by loved ones, eating your favorite foods, doing your favorite activities.

What is your FAVORITE emotion to experience?

Excitement, pride, gratitude, serenity, silly, happy, joy, anything!


When should you use your coping skills.

Coping skills can be used whenever you need them! Often times, coping skills are most important when you are feeling bad emotions. 


Which friend do you feel comfortable telling anything to?

This could be a friend you trust, connect with, and feel a close relationship with as a whole. 


What are you most talented at?

Art work, school work, making friends, singing, dancing, playing sports, etc.


What planet comes after Earth in the solar system?



Tell me about the last time you were feeling sad.

Feeling sad is normal, as long as it does not happen too often. Feel those feelings, talk about them with others, and try to do something you enjoy if the feelings go on for a long time. 
What are 2 coping items that you like to use?
Stress ball, fidget spinner, button pushing games, coloring activities, headphones, anything you like!

What can you do if you want to let out feelings and thoughts, but do not feel ready to talk about it with anyone else?

You can journal your feelings, create art that represents your feelings, write a poem or a song.


When you are feeling down, what is a self-care activity that makes you feel better?

Doing art work, cleaning up your room, listening to music, positive affirmations, taking a shower, eating something yummy, etc. 

What is your favorite school subject and why?

Mine was always math :)


Tell me about a time that you were proud of yourself.

Pride is a very important feeling, as it allows us to feel good about our accomplishments! Never down play your accomplishments, when you work hard, you deserve to feel good.


Name 1 invisible coping skill. This could be one you use in the classroom or in public settings, and you may not have access to your coping items. 

Breathing exercises, going to "happy place" in your mind, thinking of good memories, finding each color of the rainbow in the room, reciting a song or fun facts you know.

Who is someone you trust to keep your conversations private?

Mom, friend, teacher, therapist, aunt, uncle, cousins, dad, brother, etc. 


What is a trait you are hard on yourself for. Now prove that WRONG!

This could be intelligence, being shy, feeling like you have different interests from others. What makes us who we are is special and unique, and you should love every last part of yourself, because you are being you!

What is the largest animal in the world?

Blue Whale