A coping skill that helps the individual regulate their body chemistry when in distress. (Hint: it's an acronym and is under DBT distress tolerance)
What is TIPP (Temperature Change, Intense Exercise, Progressive Muscle Relaxation, and Paced Breathing)?
True or False: Cognitive Distortions are a thought that causes a person to perceive reality/their world/about themselves inaccurately due to being exaggerated or irrational.
True! These cognitive distortions do influence behavior as well.
List out the PLEASE Acronym.
What is Treating Physical Illness, Balanced Eating, Avoid Mood Altering Substances, Balanced Sleep, and Get Exercise?
Define the concept of grounding and give examples of how to do grounding as a technique.
A coping skill that helps a person orient themselves into their body and in their surroundings in the present moment. This can help them when they need to regulate and orient themselves when in distress or when feeling anxious. This can be done by listing out categories of random things, label things in their environment through the 5 senses, and doing deep breathing.
What is the ACT Road Map?
True or False: DBT stands for Dialectical Behavior Therapy.
True! DBT is the acronym for Dialectical Behavior Therapy.
Define the concept of mindfulness.
A state of when a person can stay in the present moment, bring awareness to their emotions/feelings/thoughts, be in tune with their body, and have acceptance of what they are going through in the moment without judging or being critical to themselves.
Define the concept of dialectics/dialectical thinking.
It is a concept of where two things can co-exist/can be true at the same time. Examples are you can be a confident person and still experience anxiety.
Explain the importance of practicing Mindfulness
What is a Safety Plan?
A plan for safety in the event of a crisis where it has phone numbers of your supports, therapist, psychiatrist, crisis hotlines, list of ways to cope, and your warning signs of when you are not doing well/or when having suicidal thoughts.
True or False: Getting less than 8 hours of sleep is a great way to practice the PLEASE skill/sleep hygiene?
False! You should get at least 8-10 hours of sleep everyday for proper brain function and to be able to decrease emotional vulnerability throughout the day.
Define the word executive functioning.
Define the concept of self soothing.
Self soothing is a form of distress tolerance where a person can engage in healthy, uplifting, and relaxing activities to help regulate emotions and reduce stress in stressful situations/moments.
Explain the importance of self-care.
Self-care is important to reduce burnout, reduce stress, encourage healthy coping mechanisms, promotes health/wellness, increase happiness, decreases risks of health issues, helps you feel refreshed after a long day, and improves concentration.
How people establish limitations of what they find to be acceptable/unacceptable behaviors in relationships.
What are Boundaries?
True or False: De-catastrophizing is one of the cognitive thought processes to help challenge your stuckpoint on your Challenging Beliefs Worksheet.
False! It is not on the Challenging Beliefs Worksheet.
What is Stop, Take a Step Back, Observe, and Proceed Mindfully?
Define what cognitive defusion is.
An Acceptance and Commitment Therapy technique to help an individual "unhook" from their thoughts that prevent them from behaving in alliance with their values and treatment goals. It helps with accepting our thoughts as they come and go and reminding ourself that our thoughts are temporary if we do not heavily engage or hook onto those thoughts.
Explain why it is important to take your medications as prescribed safely and to keep up with medication management on top of attending therapy.
Medications can help alleviate symptoms of a psychiatric diagnosis in tandem with attending therapy where coping skills can be taught. Like any other health appointment, psychiatrist appointments are important to make sure a person is being prescribed the right medications for their symptoms and having follow up appointments helps establish continuity of care.
The concept that your brain is able to change and adapt anytime, especially when learning new skills/tricks.
What is Neuroplasticity?
True or False: You should ONLY practice coping skills or other therapeutic techniques when situations or stressors come up.
False! It is good to practice coping skills/techniques when you have free time, when feeling good, when reflecting after an event has happened, with another safe person, with your therapist during sessions, and outside of group/individual therapy. Practice makes perfect!
List out the acronym SMART from Smart Goals.
Specific. Measurable. Achievable/Attainable, Relevant, and Time-Bound.
Define radical acceptance.
It is when you stop fighting reality, stop responding with impulsive or destructive behaviors when things aren’t going the way you want them to, and let go of bitterness that may be keeping you trapped in a cycle of suffering. To truly accept reality, we must understand the facts about the past and present, even if they may be uncomfortable or undesirable.
Explain why socialization is beneficial than continuous self-isolation.
Socialization helps with those who struggle to engage in pro-social behaviors with others, increase interpersonal effectiveness skills, increase communication skills, seek support/help in others, find community to feel less isolated, finding common values with others, sharpens cognitive skills, and empowers the individual in social settings.