Pets and Depression
Status of Animals - Service, ESA, and Therapy Pets
Pet Partners
Skills and Aptitude for Team
Tucker Bear!
Lower blood pressure, reduced stress hormones, and boosting feel good chemicals in the brain: - Benefits of owning a pet - Routine - Responsibility
What are benefits of owning a dog?
Your own pet - who isn't trained, certified, or taught anything special but is of comfort to you.
What is Emotional Support Animal or companion animal?
Name at least 4 types of animals who can be certified as therapy pets through Pet Partners.
What are dogs, cats, horses - small, rabbits, guinea pigs, llamas, alpacas, birds, pigs and rats?!
What happens if your pet contacts a person physically (jumps up, etc.) during an official evaluation for certification by Pet Partners?
What is disqualification - would need to retest at another time?
Tucker Bear is a ___________ (his breed).
What is GoldenDoodle?
True or False: Can petting a dog or cat lower your heart rate and help you calm as a result?
What is TRUE?
Animals, usually dogs, who are trained for specialty skills and are allowed in restaurants or stores to help their owner.
What is a Service or Assistance Animal?
Tucker is certified with his handler through Pet Partners - for this period of time (days, months, years, etc.) so we have to re-test this often.
What is every 2 years?
Name a test requirement that is different for small animals that is not required for large animals.
What is being passed to stranger, placed on lap or table, or being able to be certified when 6 months old (for rabbits, guinea pigs, and rats)
Tucker Bear has been with his handler since he was just a puppy - True or False?
What is True?
Being woken up when your dog needs to go out, demanding walks or food, and interacting with others when your pet is your "wingman" rather than laying in bed or playing video games all day. - Companionship - Responsibility - Routine
What are positive routines/schedule when you have a pet?
Animal and its handler who are certified as a team - to support a number of people rather than just one person - and need to show reliability and obedience in a wide variety of environments are known as...
What is Therapy Pet?

The name of the local chapter that coordinates volunteer efforts and testing in the Fargo-Moorhead area.

What is Pet Partners of the Red River Valley?

Your animal belongs in what position when you approach strangers or other dogs (describe where you are, your pet is, and where the other person is).
What is the handler places him or herself between their pet and the person or other animal?
Tucker Bear has volunteered in many environments besides coming to our program several days a week. Name 3 settings that he and/or other Therapy Teams may volunteer.
What is Libaries or Bookstores for reading programs, nursing homes, group homes/day programs for people with disabilities, PATH, charity walks, hospitals (with special clearance), schools - including college campuses during finals, and MORE?!
Taking care of a pet can help give you a sense of your own value and importance - reminding you that you are capable of doing more than you think. - the "Lassie Effect" - Responsibility - Social Interaction
This type of animal is OK to approach and pet in public settings.
What is a Therapy Pet (but you still should usually ask)?
The youngest age for a handler that Pet Partners will allow is ___ and if you a handler under the age of ___ you must be accompanied on visits by a parent/guardian or their appointee.
What is 10 years old and 16 years old?
Grooming is part of what a pet owner assures is being done before visits - how frequently should a working therapy dog be bathed?
What is two weeks prior to a visit?
Tucker is considered a large dog and his current weight is...(correct answer is within 10%)
What is about 73 pounds?

The concept of having a pet means you are never truly alone - rather than pulling back from your friends and loved ones and isolating? - Routine - Activity - Companionship


Which types of animals are primarily to serve just one person.
What are ESA/Companion Animals and Service/Assistance Animals?
Therapy teams should be ___, ____, and ____>
What is reliable, predictable, and controllable.
Worst case scenario - my dog poops on the floor during our evaluation. The evaluator's response is...
What is that the team is disqualified and must retest at another time?
Tucker slept up to this many hours when he was a puppy - causing people to occasionally mistake him for a teenager or a college student. (Hint: It's more than 12 hours per day and any answer in the range will be correct.)
What is 15-20 hours per day?