Structure consisting of a row of evenly structured columns
What is a colonnade?
an athletic contest comprised of 5 different track and field events
What is a pentathlon?
rudeness, without courtesy
What is impudence?
What is vanquished?
What god is considered good in Athens and blood-thirsty in Sparta?
Formerly the basic unit of money in Greece
What is a drachma?
a non-Greek or a person who lives outside of "Christian" civilization
Who is a barbarian?
lively and energetic
What is vim?
a structure with a roof of supported by columns, like a porch
What is a portico?
Walk everywhere and travel in silence
What is Sparta?
a guardian of children
What is a pedagogue?
a person or thing that stands guard or stands as if watching
What is a sentinel?
To make a dull, monotonous sound
What is droning?
What is supplication?
Boys and their pedagogues go to school at 7 years old
What is Athens?
showing or experiencing sorrow
What is wistful?
a loose outer garment such as a cape or coat
What is a cloak?
saving or being careful with money or things
What is thrifty?
What is pious?
fighting and war are most important
What is Sparta?
having a high position
What is prominent?
The violation of anything sacred or held sacred
What is sacrilege?
a procession which includes a battle
What is a platanistos?
careful in providing for the future
What is prudent?
Education, philosophy, history, music, art, drama and beauty are most important.
What is Athens?