This teacher makes it very clear about her distaste for Bradley Chalkers.
Mrs. Ebbel
"I don't mind sitting next to you."
Jeff to Bradley
What happened during Bradley's first meeting with Carla?
She believed everything Bradley told her.
What did Bradley say when he heard that Jeff went into the girls' bathroom?
Bradley said he did it too so the girls would scream.
Mrs Ebbel apologised to Jeff for a) making him sit next to Bradley, b) not having an extra desk for him or c) not having time to introduce him to the class properly
a) making him sit next to Bradley
This is the first person to go into the girls' bathroom.
"I'm sorry, but there are no other empty desks. Nobody likes sitting.....there"
Mrs. Ebbel to Jeff
This was on Bradley's list of things to talk about several times.
Gold stars
Why was Bradley the oldest kid in the class?
He repeated 4th grade twice.
Why was Jeff Fishkin supposed to see the new counselor?
Because she was supposed to help him adjust to being in the new school.
This person wore a rock and roll t-shirt.
"Don't lie to you mother and don't lie to me!"
How did Ronnie the Rabbit's ear get broken?
Claudia stepped on it.
Why did Bradley think it was so important to hate the kids who were mean to him?
If he hated them, then it did not matter what they thought of him.
Who is Ronnie?
A little red rabbit with blue eyes.
This person always says hello back when someone says hello to them.
"You'll think of something, Bradley. You always do. You're the smartest kid in the world."
Bartholomew to Bradley
Which animal is Bradley's favorite?
Ronnie the Rabbit
Where was the pond that Bradley's animals played in?
On his bed - it was a stain made by spilled grape juice.
What does the word ‘recess’ mean?
This person's parents refuse to sign the permission slip to see Carla.
Give me a dollar or I will spit on you!
Bradley to Jeff
Why did Colleen Verigold go to Carla's office the 1st time?
She wanted Carla to tell her who to invite to her birthday party.
What did the new counselor hear about Bradley?
She heard terrible stories from other teachers.
What did Bradley's mother find out about him from the teacher?
That Bradley lied about his good grades and being elected class president. He misbehaved. He needed to see the new counselor once a week to see if she could help Bradley behave better.