They are the two forms of evidence.
direct and indirect
What is science?
The systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation, experimentation, and the testing of theories against the evidence obtained.
Are there "hard" evidence?
One thing you remembered from the video?
Close your eyes
Name 1 color you see of people's clothes.
Eye witness
What are some of the fields in Science?
Natural sciences, Medical and health sciences, Agricultural sciences, Social science
What type of evidence people want to prove God's existence?
Miraculous type of evidence.
What's the speaker's profession?
Cold-case homicide detective J. Warner Wallace
Close your eyes
Name 5 objects you saw outside of the window
What is indirect evidence?
Everything else other than eye witness testimony.
Physics is in _____ science.
What are other fields in this category?
What are the "what" and "who" in a crime-scene, and in God's creation?
What: how things happened, what they are
Who: who is responsible for the things.
The example the speaker used to prove that there's a WHO in the creation.
DNA has encoded information, there has to be a "WHO" in this process to have given the information, just like when examining a crime scene, if there's a written information conveyed, there is a person behind it.
What made you feel the happiest this past week (or even, past month/year)
Group effort! Everyone has to participate.
Examples of direct evidence for God’s existence
Testimony of those who observed the Resurrection of Jesus and the testimony of those who have experienced the miraculous intervention of God
Psychology is in ____ science;
What are other fields in this category?
What are things about HUMANS that can NOT be explained by mere physics, chemistry etc.
physics, chemistry, space, time and matter can NOT produce the consciousness or free-agency we experience. Physics and chemistry can NOT produce the high-level information we find in DNA.
The example of the Atheist in the video, and his testimony of his journey converting from an Atheist to Theist. (bonus: what's his name?)
Antony Flew, was an accomplished analytic and evidentialist philosopher who debated Christians and wrote several classic books defending atheism. But when he examined the evidence of DNA, he changed his mind. He found that the level of genetic information in DNA simply could not be explained without an intelligent author/Creator. He eventually became a theist on the basis of this evidence.
What was the nicest thing you did for someone else this past week?
Group effort! everyone has to participate.
Give at least 2 examples of indirect evidence for God’s existence.
- universe that came into existence from nothing,
- the impossible accurate order in the universe,
- the miraculous origin of life from inorganic matter,
- and the improbable existence of information in DNA
All this indirect evidence is most reasonably explained by a Divine Creator.
Name at least 10 people in difference fields of science.
(famous or people in your life)
Answers vary.
How do we talk to our natural science-oriented friend, to make s/he think about his/her world view?
If evidence is important to you, how can you accept naturalistic explanations for these features of the universe when there isn’t sufficient evidence to support such claims?”
What's your takeaway?
- Everyone has to participate
- The group together need to give at least X minutes of takeaway.
- X is the number of group member
What do you plan to do (next week/month/year) that will make yourself, your friends or your parents etc proud of you?
Group effort! everyone has to participate.