Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Lesson 3

the total kinetic and potential energy of all the particles of an object.

Thermal Energy


the transfer of thermal energy  from a warmer object to a cooler object.



What type of heat transfer occur when eggs fry on a pan?



to become smaller in size to decrease volume



a material that dose not conduct heat well; a material that dose not easily allow electric charges to flow



a material that conducts heat well and allows electrical charges



If the temperature is outside is 297 degrees Kelvin, what is the temperature in degrees Celsius?

Rember 1 degree Celsius is equal to 273 degrees Kelvin.

23 degrees Celsius


What type of heat transfer occurs when you roast a marshmallow by holding it over a campfire?



Foam coolers keep food cold on a hot day.  Is foam a conductor or an insulator?



to make a complete change in size, shape, color, or property.



the total kinetic and potential energy of all the particles of an object.



What are the factors that determine and object's thermal energy?

Kinetic and Potential energy


A student likes to attend football games, no matter how cold and snowy the weather becomes. She is going to a game on a very cold day and takes along a hand warmer. She activates it and tucks it into the glove she is wearing. She holds her hands together, and before long, her hands are warm. What type of heat transfer is used in this example?

Heat was transferred by conduction, resulting in an increase in kinetic energy.


The front door of a home is made of steel. When it is warm outside, the door sticks and is difficult to open or close. When the weather is cool, the door does not stick. Which statement best explains the difference in the behavior of the door when the weather is warm compared to when it is cool?

The metal in the door expands when it becomes warm due to an increase in kinetic energy, and contracts when it's cooler.


the expansion of a matter when heated

Thermal Expansion


the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of a 1 kilogram of material by 1 kelvin winch is equivalent to 1 C

Specific Heat


When a boy and his friends arrive at a barbecue, they offer to help their friend cook. They place meat and vegetables from the refrigerator onto the hot grill. When the food is cooked and taken off the grill, it is at a much higher temperature than it was before it was cooked. Which statements are true about the food?

The kinetic energy of the food particles increased, causing the food temperature to rise or the thermal energy of the food increased


You are camping and it is time to build a campfire. You gather logs and stack them loosely, and then you add small twigs and leaves to make the fire easy to light. As you sit by the fire, the logs burn bright in the darkness, and you feel the heat coming toward you.

The Law of Conservation of Energy applies to these transformations or the amount of heat and light energy released equals the amount of chemical energy that is burned.


When someone does slam on his brakes to stop their car.  How does the thermal energy transfer?



Why do some materials feel hotter than others, even if the two are the same temperature?

It will depend on if the material is an insulator or a conductor.


the movement of fluid caused by differents in temperature that transfers heat from one part of the fluid to another

Convection Current


You probably use the term heat many times a day. As an example, when you cook dinner, you heat your dinner on a hot stove. When you place a piece of cool metal in the sun, it is heated by the sun’s energy. Why is heat the correct term to use in these examples?

They show that heat flows from something warmer to something cooler.


When you touch a warm picnic table, your hand becomes warm.  Explain how energy conservation applies to this situation.

Through conduction, the warmth of the table goes to your hand.


A new home had a wooden floor put down in cool weather. As the weather became warmer, the floor started to buckle, rising up in the middle of the floor. The floor was fixed by trimming the edges of the floor so that there was a space between the flooring and the wall. Choose the response that best explains why this helped to make the floor flat again.

The particles in the floor increase in thermal energy in warm weather, increasing the kinetic energy of its particles and making it expand. Trimming it gave it room to expand.


the transfer of thermal energy by the movement of fluid.

