Energy cannot be created or destroyed
1st Law Thermodynamics
A microwave turning on
electrical to thermal
Entropy can be defined as the amount of________ in a system
This device uses the first law of thermodynamics to convert thermal energy to mechanical energy
heat engine
This device uses the first law of thermodynamics to convert thermal energy to mechanical energy
heat engine
Heat will never flow from a cold object to a hot object (entropy)
2nd Law Thermodynamics
A solar panel
light to electrical
In what state would water have low amount of entropy (disorder)
Convert 473 K to Celsius
the unit of energy
Entropy can either stay at the same level or increase but never decrease
2nd Law Thermodynamics
A gas stove
chemical to thermal
In what state would water have high amount of entropy (disorder)
Convert 10 C to Kelvin
energy is neither created nor destroyed
law of conservation of energy
Heat added = internal heat increase + work done
is the formula related to the .....
1st Law of Thermodynamics
A steam engine
thermal to kinetic
If something has high disorder than it is high in...
In order to increase the efficiency of a heat engine you should ..... difference between the hot and cold reservoir
increase the temperature
Term for expansion or compression of a gas without gain or loss of heat is the _____________ process
Ideal Efficiency = Thot – Tcold / Thot
is the formula related to the ...
2nd Law of Thermodynamics
A windmill
kinetic to mechanical
This quantity is a value which measures the disorder in a system
What is Entropy
In order to decrease the efficiency of a heat engine you should ..... difference between the hot and cold reservoir
decrease the temperature
At absolute zero there is ...
no particle movement