List 2 of Theseus' parents
Poseidon/Aegeus and Aethra
What is Theseus most famous for?
Killing the Minotaur
What was the most horrible thing that did Theseus (by having a god do it for him)?
What did Aegeus leave Theseus?
Sandals and a sword
What did Theseus' ghost do for the Athenians that made him honored and praised like a god?
He supposedly helped the Athenians win the Persian Wars
Who took power from Theseus and became king by emphasizing Theseus' mistakes?
What did Theseus do when he earned what Aegeus had left him?
Traveled to Athens
Who did Theseus admire and envy?
What did Theseus lose because he spent too much time with his friend, Peirithous?
His common sense
What did Poseidon give Theseus?
3 curses to use as he pleased
What was the land route that Theseus took to get to Athens called?
Isthmus of Corinth
After Peirithous and Theseus' trip to the Underworld, who saved who, and who was left behind?
A) Heracles saved Theseus
B) Peirithous was left behind
Who was the great king of Athens whose line Aegeus was adopted into?
King Erechtheus
What did Aegeus send Theseus to do when he first arrived in Athens?
EP: A) What did Theseus do instead?
B) Who brought the bull there and why?
Sent him to kill the Cretan Bull
EP: A) He brought the bull back for Aegeus to sacrifice
B)Heracles for one of his labors
How many women did Theseus manipulate?