Literature Thesis Statements
Food Thesis Statements
Science Thesis Statements
History Thesis Statements
Math Thesis Statements

Is the sentence below a thesis statement?

William Shakespeare wrote the play Romeo and Juliet.

No, it is a fact.


Is this a fact or an opinion?

The best dinner is a cheeseburger and french fries.



Why isn't this a thesis statement?

Oxygen and Hydrogen make water.

Because it is a fact. There is no claim.


Is the following a good claim for a thesis statement?

Out of all US wars, the Civil War most profoundly impacted American culture.

Yes.  American culture is broad, but it is acceptable.


Are the sentences below an attention grabber or a thesis statement?

I wonder, is math so difficult for everyone? Or am I the only one who struggles? This is something I have always wondered.

Attention grabber


Is the sentence below an attention grabber or thesis statement? 

Each day I come home from school and I have to read The Odyssey. When will we be finished with this book?

This could be considered an attention grabber; it is not a thesis statement. There is no claim or WHY and it is a question, not a statement.


The sentence below was your classmate's thesis statement. What would you tell him/her is wrong with the thesis?

McDonalds, Burger King, and Wendy's are fast food restaurants.

It is a fact and doesn't contain a claim or a WHY.


Is this a good thesis statement? Why or why not?

In this essay I will explain why the environment should be a politician's number one agenda item.

No, there is no WHY (concrete element)


How would you correct this thesis statement?

In this essay I will explain why the Vietnam War has created the deepest political divide between Republicans and Democrats that this country has ever seen.

Delete "In this essay I will explain."


Is the following sentence a fact or a claim?

I have found that four is the only number in the English language that is spelled with the same number of letters as the number itself.



How can you improve this thesis statement?

I believe all students should read and learn about civil rights through fiction because learning through storytelling is engaging for students and improves comprehension. 

Take out the "I believe."


How can you improve this thesis statement?

I think Whole Foods supermarket is the best choice for healthy food because there is a variety of organic produce, their food comes from sustainable sources, and there are healthier processed food options.

Remove "I think."


Which thesis statement is better?

A. A Red Drum can live up to 40 years and mostly inhabits estuaries. I hope to see one on my next trip to the beach. 

B. Red Drum need clean estuaries in order to raise their young. If we work to clean the estuaries, we will improve the fishery, create jobs, and ensure our kids can enjoy nature. 



Which is a good claim?

A. There are many beautiful landforms in the US.

B. The Grand Canyon is the most beautiful landform in the US.



Is the below sentence a strong thesis statement? Why or why not?

In this paper, I will be writing about why batting .500 is better than batting .200

No because the person is announcing ("In this paper, I will be writing about...") and there is not claim.  This is a fact


Which thesis is stronger? Why?

a. Because To Kill a Mockingbird is a popular secondary education book, paints an accurate picture of the south in the 1930's, and contains well developed characters, I think most students should read it.

b. Because To Kill a Mockingbird is a popular secondary education book, paints an accurate picture of the south in the 1930's, and contains well developed characters, most schools should make it required reading.

B. Because it doesn't include "I think."


Is the below sentence a thesis statement or an attention grabber?

Imagine walking into the a restaurant where everything comes from a farm less than 100 miles away.

Attention grabber.


Is the below sentence a thesis statement?

Deforestation has been going on for decades.

No. It is a fact.


Is this a fact or a claim?

The continued guilty verdicts in the Scottsboro Trials were an injustice.



Write a thesis statement for the following essay question:

Is math the most important subject to learn in school?

You should have a claim and a because (Math ____ the most important subject in school because ________)


Write a thesis that answers this question:

What is the best thing about Shakespeare?

You made a claim (the best thing about Shakespeare is __________) and a WHY/HOW (concrete element). 


Write a thesis statement for the following essay topic:

Which fruit is the best?

You should have a claim (_____ is the best fruit) and a WHY (____ is the best fruit because ____)


Write a thesis statement for the following essay question:

What is the best way to clean up our oceans?

You have a claim and WHY (______ is the best way to clean up our oceans because ___________).


Make up a thesis statement for the following essay question:

Who is the greatest civil rights leader of all time?

There needs to be a claim and a WHY (______ is the greatest civil rights leader of all time because ______________)


How can you revise the thesis statement below to make it even stronger? 

Confidence is the most important characteristic to be a successful student.

You need to come up with the WHY/because.
