Saturn is the best planet, its yellow, you can find it pretty, its my favoite planet.
Corrrect: Saturn should be considered the best planet because it is yellow, it is beautiful, and it is the only planet less dense than water.
A thesis Statement is a question.
Untrue, it should be your claim not a question.
Cotton candy is the best food because it's colorful, it melts in your mouth , and it taste good
there are first person
do facts make up a thesis statement?
yes because it should have 3 reasons.
is a thesis statement your claim?
no because it is not your opinion on a topic.
Earth is considered the best planet because it's the third planet from the sun, has the greatest destiny in the solar system, and it is the only planet with human life.
A thesis statement is only based on facts.
False: It can be based off of facts and opinions.
Bouncy balls are the best kids toys because they are soft, harmless, and it can go everywhere with your family
There are two first person words.
a thesis is a about a topic being discussed.
yes because its establishing what the topic is going to be about.
where does the thesis statement belong?
the thesis statement belongs in the last sentence on the introduction and first sentence of your last paragraph.
Sitting by the pool is a great relaxer. It can relieve stress, it is great way to bond with friends, and you get a nice tan
Correct: Sitting by the pool is the best way to relax because it can relieve stress and it is a great way for friends to bond.
Your thesis statement is the first sentence of your introductory paragraph.
The big city is hard to live in because apartments are expensive people are hard to meet, and the lifestyle is different.
nothing is wrong has a claim and 3 reasons.
is a thesis statement asking you a question?
wrong its explaining the claim not asking what its about.
a thesis statement is 1 sentence that expresses the main idea of a paper
yes because the reader is trying to find out the topic.
I think mask are dumb because you can't breath , it's always falling, it's hard to talk.
Correct: People should not use masks because they are hard to breathe in, they are always falling, and it is hard to talk in them.
A thesis statement should be persuasive.
Ring tailed lemurs are the best animals because lemurs tails are longer than their bodies, they're a symbol for Madagascar.
only 2 reasons you need 3 to support your claim.
wrong because its based off evidence based off a article.
a thesis statement has to have 3 facts?
correct!, you need 3 facts to support your claim.
Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are the best because they are easy to make, they can be eaten anywhere, and they taste good.
Your thesis should have your claim.
True; without your claim, the reader wouldn't know what you are talking about.
The purge is a really good movie for many reasons such as good actors, graphics are good, and it was a great example of survival.
nothing is wrong it includes your claim and 3 reasons.
Is a thesis statement made up on only 2 facts?
wrong because a thesis statement needs at least 3 or more reasons to support your claim.
a good thesis statement is supposed to inform you?
incorrect because its not to inform you.