What date was OPBSI founded?
March 15th 1989
At what school was OPBSI founded?
State University of New York at Albany
When was Theta Chapter chartered at Stony Brook University?
April 17th, 1998
What is the name of the sister who hosted us for Beta Thanksgiving?
Angelik Santiago
What was the sister name of our Spring 2024 solo?
What is our call?
What is our mascot?
What region is Theta apart of?
Region 2 - Long Island, New York City, and Weschester County Area
Who is the #2 of Fall 2021?
Katherine Heredia
What is the class name of the Spr'23 class?
How many founders founded Omega Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.?
17 Radiant Founders
How many ethnicities are represented by the Founders?
Puerto Rican
What is the class name of the first class to charter Theta Chapter?
Name the Sister you met at these workshops from Spring 2011
Glendalis Moran
What ethnicities are represented in Fiortana's class?
What Council does Omega Phi Beta belong to?
NALFO - National Association of Latino Fraternal Organizations
What is OPBSI's national initiative celebrated in October?
Ray of Hope
Name an annual event(s) hosted by Theta Chapter during the Spring Semester?
Fraternity & Sorority Expo
Domestic Violence Awareness Banquet
Week of Illumination
Name 1 Sister that was initiated the same semester she graduated?
Jazzmen Urquiola (SPR24)
Adriana Centeno (SPR23)
Paola Gomez (SPR17)
Gernice Leonardo (SPR09)
Can you name any of the sisters in Fall 2018?
Samantha Montes
Sayeda Khan
Eileen Castillo
Brenda Garrido
Nicole Rivera
What is our mission?
To serve and educate people of diverse backgrounds through sisterhood, leadership and guidance. As positive role models we promote unity of all cultures, focus on the empowerment of our gender and raise the standards of excellence in our academic, social and personal endeavors.
Name one of the 7 Goals of OPBSI
Women Empowerment
Cultural Awareness
Scholarship & Leadership
Social Activism
Political Inclination
How many sisters were initiated at the Theta Chapter?
86 Sisters as of Spring 2024
Which Sister received the Dedication Award inspired by Jessica Morales during OPBSI's 2024 convention in Puerto Rico?
Ashley Pera
When did Fall 2017 cross?
November 26th, 2017