What does CHASE mean
To chase something
What animal is most know for its Black and White stripes
The zebra
What movie had this quote "you go a friend in me"
Toy story
When did World War 2 end
Riddle "Whats black and white and red all over"
Read The newspaper
What does HUBBUB mean
Riddle "What runs but never talks"
A river.
What movie said this quote "Santaaa oh your not Santa"
When did the Boston tea party take place
December 16 1773
What animal has 3 hearts
Sea star, octopuse, pig or mosquitos
Octopuses have 3 hearts
What does Camaraderie mean
Good will and warm feelings amoung friends
What is a group of Flamingos called
A Flamboyance
What movie had this quote "Snakes. Why did it have to be snakes"
Indana Jones
Riddle "What animal has 6 faces and 21 eyes"
A dice
When did Nato first form
March 18 1949
Riddle "I never was but will always be"
True or False Some jellyfish are immortal
What movie said this quote "Houstion we have a problem"
Apollo 13
When did the first heart transplant take place
Jaunary 2 1968
Otorhinolaryngologist is the name of what kind of doctor
A Ear nose and throat doctor.
What is hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia mean
Its the fear of long words
What animal has no vocal cords
A giraffe
Riddle "Kids make it but never see it nor hold it" what is it
When did Pompeii go kaboom
79 CE
What movie said this quote "Stupid is as stupid does"
Forest Gump