what is the sisters name in the book?
The sister‘s name in the book is Rosie
Because she does not want to kids to go hungry when she is gone,
What’s the brothers name in the story?
Baker is the brother
How old is Rosie
She is 12
who is the main character in the book?
The grandmother.
What is then of the book?
Truth is a theme in the book. How does Great- Grammy trust Rosie and Baker to carry out her detailed plans. Great-Grammy knew that Hesper couldn't be trusted.
Who do they want to go with after grandma dies but can’t reach a hold of
Aunt Tilly care
Why was the door bell ringing so much/often?
Because she is ordering a lot of food for the kids when she gone.
That is the plot of the book
Middle-schoolers Rosie and Baker have been living with their Great-grandmother Ida ever since their parents died a few years earlier. Great-Grammy loves the kids and takes really good care of them, even preparing them for her eventual demise.
What was the grandma kind of hiding?
Her dieing.
Who is the one who died in the story?
The right answer is the grandma
How does six feet below zero end?
the reader learns that Great-Grammy had always been deliberate and well-organized about her finances and property
Where did the kids put the body?
The freezer in the basement
Why was your grandma taking care of them?
Because there parents died a few years before
Does grandma have a will? and did she tell the kids were it is?
Yeah, she put it somewhere safe and then Coleen tell the kids in time before she dies
What did she leave the note book?
She left Cash , debit cards and passports also passwords to ever thing she owned.
Where does the kids and grandma not want them to end up with?
left in Grim Hesper’s clutches care
How takes the kid away for the house? And puts them in boarding school.
The answer is their other grandmother that is greedy and mean to them.
We’re was the kids at when they got that text from grandma?
In math at school.
Who is the author of the book?
The author is Eno Jones
We’re did they find the will at?
In a lockbox.
How many pages are in the book?
There are 288
How deep and wide was the freezer she is out in to?
72in wide and 31.5in deep.
Why was baker trying to stop Rosie from going inside the house?
Because he knew there grandma died
There did they put her before they put her in the freezer?
In a rug before they could take her done stairs and put her in the freezer.