What was one of Okonkwo's greatest familial struggles?
The way people viewed him because of his father
Who is Okonkwo's favorite daugter?
Struggle between change and tradition
Name one cultural value of the Igbo
When someone is killed they take a young man and a virgin from a different village
The standard of masculinity in the Igbo tribe
Who was Okonkwo's father and why didn't Okonkwo like him?
Unoka- He owed many debts and was a weak man
Name a prominent symbol
Fire-Okonkwo's anger
Name a way that the novel pushes the ideals of modern day culture.
Different traditions that we would find odd
What is the main theme of the novel?
the struggle of colonization of the tribe
What was the name of the boy who was passed over by a neighboring village?
What is a instance of foreshadowing?
When the locusts come and someone says more will come to take everything. foreshadowing the white man coming.
Why is it significant that the author is Nigerian?
Cultural Identity
Nwoye- He isn't masculine enough and in many ways represents Okonkwo's father.
Who was the first white missionary in Umuofia?
Mr. Brown