This crop is described by the narrator as "the king of crops" and as stadning for "manliness."
What are yams?
Okonkwo's child who leaves his family to join the Christian church.
Who is Nwoye?
Uchendu is on this side of Okonkwo's family.
Skilled Ibo wrestlers are often referred to as this animal because their back never seems to touch the ground.
What is a cat?
Nwoye prefers this type of story to the violent war stories that Okonkwo tells.
What are stories for women and children? (Or folk tales, his mother's stories, Ikemenfuna's stories)
What are not-yams (cowries)?
The Ibo-speaking interpreter who becomes the pastor of the church in Mbanta.
Who is Mr. Kiaga?
Either of the two trees mentioned as being present in Okonkwo's compound and used by him and his family.
What is palm tree? or What is banana tree?
Several instruments are played at wrestling matches, but the sound of this type of particularly important instrument is described as "feverish" and "intoxicating."
What are drums?
In a passage that may recall The Odyssey for some readers, the tortoise in Ezinma's story in chapter nine takes on this name to swindle the birds out of their share of the feast in the sky.
What is "all of you"?
These are worn as symbols of a man's title.
What are not-yams (anklets)?
The osu convert to Christianity suspected of an unthinkable crime.
Who is Okoli?
Ezinma's mother.
Who is Ekwefi?
These plant parts are used by certain men to keep the crowds from getting too close to the action during wrestling matches.
What are palm fronds?
In chapter one, Okonkwo reflects on a proverb that says if a child does this, he can eat with kings.
What is wash its hands?
Okonkwo thinks one of these could throw Nwoye in a wrestling match.
What are yams (a bowl of pounded yams)?
The married woman who joins the Christian church and has given birth to several sets of twins.
Who is Nneka?
Obiageli's mother.
Who is Nwoye's mother?
While most spectators do not sit down, those who do sit on either of these types of seating to watch wrestling matches in Umuofia.
Whare are stools or (log) stands?
Uchendu tells a story about this type of bird when explaining why the men of Abame should not have killed the Christian missionary.
What is a kite?
Ekwefi gives these special treats to Ezinma secretly because Okonkwo doesn't thing she should have them.
What are not-yams (eggs)?
The first man of title to join the Christian church and take communion.
Who is Ogbuefi Ugonna?
This type of tree is supposed to help increase women's fertility (help them get pregnant).
What is the (sacred) silk-cotton tree?
The Ibo word for a particular style of wrestling that both of the final competitors in chapter six employ.
What is ege?
In a chapter one proverb about poverbs that explains their role in Ibo conversation, proverbs are compared to this.
What is oil (the oil with which words are eaten)?