What culture are Okonkwo and his family a part of?
Igbo (Ibo)
How many wives does Okonkwo have by the end of the novel?
The following quote is an example of which type of figurative language.
"He saw the world as a battlefield in which the children of light were locked in mortal conflict with the sons of darkness"
"I shall fight alone if I choose."
Character is nicknamed "The Roaring Flame"
What holy animal do the clan suspect the Christians have killed and eaten
Okonkwo and Unoka
Who are the Osu?
"This is the house of God and I will not live to see it desecrated."
Mr. Smith
This character changed his name to "Isaac"
Who is the first missionary that arrives in Umuofia?
Mr. Brown
Explain how Okonkwo's death is ironic.
What is ozo?
Men with titles
"He has put a knife on the things that held us together and we have fallen apart."
The second missionary to arrive in Umuofia, known for being uncompromising and intolerant.
Mr. Smith
He unmasks an egwugwu
Give one example of irony in the story.
Answers will vary:
Possible topics could include Okonkwo's exile and his death, or the title of the District Commissioners book
"Mr. Brown preached against an excess of such zeal"
What does zeal mean in the context of the sentence?
Intense enthusiasm or passion
"Why can't you take him down yourself?"
District Commissioner
What is the major conflict in "Things Fall Apart"
The battle between traditional beliefs and those brought by the white missionaries
(Tradition vs. Change)
Give one example of foreshadowing in the novel.
Answers will vary
What did the tribe name the titleless men who followed Christianity?
"Men have learned to shoot without missing their mark and I have learned to fly without perching on a twig."