Who’s birthdays in 4 September?
Ms. Rainy
Who is the youngest classmate in 7C?
Who is the person whose phone always got stole?
who knocked over the whiteboard
the boys
Who is the monkey?
Everybody. We’re primates.
Bu Nana’s Birthday?
9 January
Who is the oldest classmate 7C?
Who has a *crush* on Mikhella
`arsha 🙄
Who bargains Sere on giving Arace’s phone yesterday before science?
Atha obviously 🙄
What is the word for throwing someone out the window?
Who’s birthday is in 27 Juni
Pak Ari
Who’s the most problematic and has anger issues?
Nicho and Arace ( a lot ) obviously 🙄
Who has a pink bag?
Who here is never sane
What is Queen Elizabeth ll’s favorite tea?
Immortality (Lipton teabag)
Bu Enda’s birthday?
9 March
Who is Sonic in this class?
Arsha 🏎
Who is the shortest?
Kean or Sere help
When did Atha cried?
14 Wed Sep 2022
What is pak hova age
its 22
Who’s birthday is in 22 September?
Pak Kusnadi (the janitor)
Who made this jeopardy?
team 5: Bumi, Arsha, Kaira, Wishnu and Sere ( I did most of the typing )
How many times did Atha get rejected?
4 times
When was Cikal first upacara in Lebak Bulus
24 Augustus 2022
Is America close to Russia
Yes it’s in Alaska