what age did i get my tongue surgery?
what week did i start getting morning sickness
7 weeks
what is our anniversary
november 9th
what is my favorite animal
how many siblings does Elizabeth have? (even step)
how long was I in labor all together including active labor
25 hours
what do i admire the most about your body
your back and arms (but i love it all)
what are my favorite tattoos
all my arm tattoos
how many houses have I lived in
why did i like adalees name
because it was a Hebrew name
when i supposed to move in acording to you plan
7 months of dating (in june)
what is my favorite book that i have finished reading
Twisted love
what grade did i meet Autumn
how many far along was i when i got induced
41 weeks and 3 days
what did you say to me at the beginning of our relationship?
its never to fast if the love lasts
what is my favorite song
hard to love by lee brice
what is my bio dads name
Gary weaver
what date did we find out i was pregnant
march 15th
what day did you propose to me
feb 26
what is my favorite movie collection
harry potter