Stating the meaning- Idioms
Stating the meaning- Slang Terms
Man, that's bad!
Is this ok? :/
Not feeling so hot

Your first day of school is coming up for the new school year and your mom says goodbye to you and then says "Break a leg!" What does she mean by this?

To wish someone good luck or to do well


You're eating Takis with your friend and your friend says "these are fire!". What does he mean by that?

Takis are good!


Jenna shows you a picture of a dog that she rescued this weekend and is super excited about it. You notice that the dog is pretty ugly, you should tell her?

No way, keep this to yourself! It's ok to have an opinion about the dog (even though you think he's ugly!), but this is something we should keep to ourselves so that we don't hurt Jenna's feelings. 


A giant booger forms in your nose so you plug your other nostril and blow a snot rocket onto the ground at school during recess. 

Not ok to do in public!


You lost your favorite tools to make comic books with. You are pretty mad! You feel like throwing things to the floor and knocking over anything you can find. What is something you can do instead to help yourself calm down?

Deep breathing exercise

Go for a walk




Listen to calming music 

Talk to someone you trust about your feelings


You're having a sleepover with your friend and he says "I'm ready to hit the hay". What does he mean?

Ready for bed


You, Ollie, and Ariel are playing Uno together. Ariel ends up winning, so you Ollie, and Jenna say "GG, Ariel!". What does "GG" mean?

Good Game


You're riding bikes outside with your friend and his neighbor that he brought along to hangout too. You're all riding to 711 together, but the neighbor is riding really slowly in front of you. You're annoyed by his lack of speed, and yell "Hurry up you slowpoke!" Was this ok to say outloud?

No! You don't know the neighbor well enough to make a joke like you would with a close friend. You can think that he is very slow in your head only.


You eat a bean burrito and your stomach starts to bubble. Suddenly, you feel a toot coming on and pass gas quietly without disturbing anyone. This one does  not stink- phew!

OK! :) 


You have plans to go to Disneyland with your family this weekend, but then last minute your dad comes down with Covid and you have to reschedule your trip. You're super bummed about this and start to get really mad. What can you do instead?

Coping skills:


You're at your favorite store and see a cool pair of shoes you want. You show your parents the shoes and their price tag, then your dad says "Those shoes cost an arm and a leg!" What does this mean?

That they are expensive


You've been thinking about having an Oreo all day. When you get home from school, you find that all of them are gone and you're VERY mad. Instead of angrily stomping the empty package to the floor and yelling that all of the cookies are gone, you go to your room and make a comic out of a character who is out of his Oreos too! Is this a good coping technique?

Yes! Drawing, especially about our feelings in the moment, is a very good way to express our emotions and help ourselves to work through them.
