It's Legal protection that creators have over the things
they create
What is Copyright?
When people share something they later regret
What is Oversharing
roughly how long was the edpuzzle
if you say around 20 your right congrats
The ability to use copyrighted work without permission, but only in certain ways and specific situations
What is Fair use
What responsibilities do you have to your self when you use social media?
Almost any answer you say may be right unless stated otherwise so free points your luck i presume.
Purpose, amount, nature, effect.
Four factors of fair yes
It is Creative work that's free to use without permission
What is Public Domain
All the information online about a person either posted by that person or others, intentionally or unintentionally
What is the definition of the first two words combined in this category (Joking)
What is digital footprint?
One is free to use while the other one isn't and if you do you may get in legal trouble with the creator because it protects them.
Difference between public domain and copyright?
The ____ _______ of Fair Use
Four Factors
Someone uses a drawing made by someone else and takes credit for it and sells it for profit
Violation of copyright (if you said something else that is similar you are still right)
A piece of artwork made by piecing together different materials, including photos, images, or other artwork
Collage super hard right
Someone gains money using someone else's work/creation
Violation of Fair use/Copyright infringement
How many slides did the "Social Media and Digital Footprints: Our Responsibilities" presentation have (Hah you thought this would be easy)
You get in legal trouble for a post you posted and took credit for or posted something illegal but you took it down 1 minute after posting
Result of digital footprint