The eighth planet in our solar system
Something to identify a class of people, place, or thing
(Miss Allyah, Boys and Girls Club, computer)
This country is above the United States
(Bonus if you can give me a Marvel Superhero from Canada)
The largest star in our solar system
The Sun
An action word
(Running, walking, to jump, to swim)
This state is the State that we live in
This planet has the largest number of moons
Jupiter (95 moons; well-known ones are Io, Europa, and Ganymede)
To describe things, we would use this
(Scary, gigantic, small, smelly)
The third largest state in America
(Texas is the 2nd, Alaska is the biggest)
This galaxy is our neighbor
The Andromeda Galaxy
A word to use instead of a noun or noun phrase
(He, Him, She, Her, They, Them, We, Us, You, I)
Christopher Columbus ¨discovered¨ the new world in this year
(Hint: This happened during the 1400s)
This was the year Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin became the first humans to walk on the moon
(Hint: It was around the 60s)
1969 (July 20th)
Onomatopoeia is a weird word, but its a word for something
To make sounds, especially for literay effect
(Pop, Boom, Woof, Sizzle)
Theodore Roosevelt, Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, and Thomas Jefferson are all together on this national momument
Mount Rushmore
(Located in South Dakota, built in 1927, finished on Halloween, 1941)