After __________ the risks, I decided that we
shouldn’t go ahead. (assess)
having assessed
It’s a great action movie, with lots of
spectacular s___s.
In the shop today, I saw a man take / taking
something and run out of the store.
Lisa ____ want to keep a low profile,
but that doesn’t mean she’s not talented.
After becoming famous, some celebrities prefer
to k____ a l___ p_____, and hide from the press.
keep a low profile
______ an accident ahead on the
motorway, I slowed down. (see)
The film explains why some people g__ _ r___ k___ o__ o__ doing extreme sports.
get a real kick out of
I can hear my neighbours make / making a lot of
noise at the moment.
Pavel isn’t coming to see the movie. He ______
enjoy it. He hates romantic comedies
I was i_ t__ ________ recently, when
there was a story about me in the newspaper.
in the limelight
____________ properly, there should be no risk
to this activity. (carry out)
Carried out
He took a d____-d______ leap from the airplane,
and minutes later, landed on the ground.
It’s diffcult for me to fall asleep because I can
always hear the clock tick / ticking
Jill is late. She ________ have got lost. (possible)
My favourite radio show features u_-___-______g singers who no-one has heard of yet.
My instructor helped me a lot, ____________ me
a lot of new things. (teach)
having taught
It’s an a_____s plan. I hope it succeeds!
I saw a man fall / falling over in the street, so I
went to help pick him up
I _________ have passed the exam without Peter's help. (It was hypothetically impossible without his help)
We are f_______ w____ celebrities like never before.
fixated with
____ regularly, going to the gym can make
a big di erence. (do)
She was s_____ o__ o_ h__ w___ when she saw a snake in the garden.
scared out of her wits
He felt a hot wind blow/blowing across his face. Then he started to walk across the desert.
It's 6:00, so they ______ have arrived by now. (it's probable because it's normal and expected)
However, he is still w__________ by fanatical followers.