What are Sparks called in the USA
Who juggled Girl Guide cookies in space
Dr. Roberta Bondar
When was the first Boy Scout rally, what happened there
1909, girls attended saying "I want to join too"
How old are Sparks
5-6 years old
What is the World Centre in Switzerland
Our Chalet
What are Sparks called in South Africa
When was the first girl guide unit in Canada
When is World Thinking Day
February 22
What branch of Girl Guides got renamed
Where is Pax Lodge located
True or False: In some other countries are Girl Guide uniforms skirts/dresses
Where was the first Girl Guide unit in Canada
St. Catharine's, Ontario
What does WAGGGS stand for
World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts
How many years is Guides
3 years
What World Centre was the last to be founded and Where is it
Kusafiri, Africa
What are Sparks called in England
Who was the first Chief Commissioner in Canada
Lady Mary Pellatt
Who was the first founder of Girl Guides
Lord and Agnes Baden-Powell (his sister)
What branch is 12 -14 years old
What World Centre means 'Coming Together' in Sanskrit
What are Sparks called in Australia
What kind of badges were Girl Guides earning in 1938 (4 possible answers)
Astronomy, Bee Farming, Carpentry and Fire Brigade
Who is the Chief Guide
Olave Baden-Powell
What is the last branch of Girl Guides
What World Centre has Jocelyn been to (bonus points: where is it)
Nuestra CabaƱa (Our Cabana), Mexico