February 22, the birthday of Lord and Lady Baden-Powell is known to Guides and Scouts by another name.
She founded Girl Guides as a counterpart to the Scouts.
Who is Agnes Baden-Powell?
Who is Fred?
Girl Guides first began in this year, when a group of girls demanded to take part in a Scouting Rally at the Crystal Palace in London.
When is 1909?
This American singer-songwriter just finished her huge tour.
Who is Taylor Swift?
People might give you the warning "leave of three, let it be" about this itchy plant.
What is poison ivy?
The time of year you wear your pink pyjamas.
What is the summer?
This is the Ember promise.
What is I promise to do my best, to be true to myself, my beliefs, and Canada, I will take action for a better world, and respect the Ember Law?
Lady Pellatt, first Chief Commissioner for Canada, lived in this Capital City
Where is Toronto, Ontario.
The longest ruling monarch in British Royal history.
Who is Queen Elizabeth II?
Your personal collection of dishes and utensils that you eat with while camping.
What is a mess kit?
They never get dirty, they only grow stronger the longer you wear them.
What are black socks?
This is the Guiding Promise.
What is I promise to do my best, to be true to myself, my beliefs, and Canada, I will take action for a better world, and respect the Guiding Law?
The first Canadian Girl Guides company was registered in this city in the Niagara region.
Where is St. Catherines, Ontario.
The First Lady of the United States before Jill Biden and Melania Trump.
The dry sticks and leaves used to start a fire.
You were sittin' on this when you encountered Herman the Worm.
What is a fence post?
This is of the Guiding Laws.
What is (any of the following)?
Be honest and trustworthy
Use my resources wisely
Respect myself and others
Recognize and use my talents and abilities
Protect our common environment
Live with courage and strength
Share in the sisterhood of Guiding.
The first Girl Guide cookies were sold in this province in 1927.
What is Saskatchewan?
Canada's first female astronaut, who juggled Girl Guide cookies in space.
Who is Dr Roberta Bondar?
A dish washing method where you wash, rinse, and sanitize your dishes, in that order.
What is the 3 sink method?
Your auntie, who makes them all say ooh la la when she goes shopping.
Who is Auntie Monica?
The 3 core values represented by the 3 fingers held up during the guiding promise.
What are integrity, citizenship, spirituality?