The basic assumptions we create about people, places and things. They make up what we assume to be true about reality and out own self-identity.
Core Belief
You focus on the specifics of an event or situation, but you don’t get the message behind the situation.
Concrete Thinking
"Everyone I know drinks."
Extreme Thinking
Either you take the event out of context and blow it out of proportion or you play down the event’s impact or significance.
Magnification and Minimization
Who is in control of your thoughts, feelings and behaviors?
Thinking in absolutes. "Always" "Never" "Every"
Extreme Thinking
You react according to what you feel, basing your actions on emotions instead of on what you think
Emotional Reasoning
"Why is it always me!?"
You think you know where things are headed and make a snap decision with little or no evidence. You behave as if you are”
Jumping to Conclusions
When you're reacting based on your emotions, what does Mr. Connor say?
"Get out of your feelings bag"
The belief that you are responsible for events outside of your control.
Not listening to or trusting new information. No one can convince you of anything more than you already “know.”
Closed Thinking
"I caught a case!"
You instantly assume you know the reasons someone is reacting toward you in a certain way, or
Mind Reader
What allows the individual to indulge in thoughts of crime and then suddenly act on those thoughts.
Criminal Thinking Patterns
Is a thinking distortion that says because something happened once or twice, it must always be true.
When you are in the situation you focus on the situation outside of you, when you are outside you are able to look at those involved and the situation.
Actor vs. Observer Bias
"I stopped using subs! I only smoked K2! That doesn't count."
Concrete Thinking
You predict or anticipate how things will turn out without waiting for the evidence.
Ways of thinking that say it is ok to us as much drugs and alcohol as you want, as often as you want, and to do whatever you need to do to get them.
Addictive Thinking Patterns
The 7 parts of a Thinking Report
1. Event
2. Thoughts
3. Feelings
4. Behavior
5. Core Belief
6. Alternative Thought
7. Alternative Behavior
What does using thinking distortions prevent you from doing?
Taking accountability for your own actions.
"I was tired this morning cause my celly kept me up all night, so I didn't do my job in CM1. You're just being lazy."
Actor Vs Observer Bias
Thinking distortion that means you pick and choose certain parts of an event or situation and focus only on those.
Selective Focus
Resentment is like drinking poison and
______________ _____ ________ ________ ___
Expecting the other person to die