Wild Card

What is.. Ashley was bored one day, so she being the genius that she is decided to start bouncing a ball off the wall. One thing led to another and her tv shattered, fell over, and broke her roommates mothers ashes in their heirloom vase. Her roomate was furious and asked why? She was bored, she had to do SOMETHING to kill time, and so what? her mom wouldnt mind. What were Ashleys thinking errors?

What is minimizing/self-centeredness


What is Distant Elephants/Procrastinating?

What is not thinking about the consequences of your actions or of waiting until something is too late.

Leaving out information isn't lying (T/F)

What is False


What is the anger iceberg?

What is the underlying root causes for anger.


What is a boundary?

What is an imaginary wall or barrier that keeps us safe/comfortable.


What is.. Sheldon was failing class ok it was bad. He was flunking out of algebra 1 for the third year in a row, he was in course recovery in his JUNIOR YEAR. not good. He claims he just cant seem to get it right! Little do people know, this sheldons last name was Cooper. He was a transfer studenr from out of state and was actually a child genius. Why hasnt he passed algebra and is claiming he can't? What is Young Sheldons thinking errors?

What is acting helpless/weaponized incompetence

What are excuses?

What is focusing in on reasons you did or didn't do somerhing, instead of admission. Similar to blame.


What is a lie of omission?

What is leaving out information and only telling truths you want to tell.


What is acting out?

What is behaving worse/rebelling due to feelings of unhappiness or other issues.


What is the "I Didn't have time" excuse?

What is defending laziness and blaming their schedules.


What is.. Ok. Ben, needless to say, was a little much as a kid. He never seemed to walk anywhere.. Don't get the idea that he was lazy, no nothing of the sort. He ran everywhere. Up and down the walls around the house and upside down, you name it hes ran on it. One day, he ran right past this painting, it fell over and caught on fire from the fireplace it was over. His parents luckily caught it and put it out but they werent there to see it. They asked Ben what happened. "It wasnt me! It COULDNT be me I was watching tv. It had to be sparky! What is Bens thinking error(s)?

What is denial/blaming


What is assuming?

What is acting as if you think you know something without making sure of yourself beforehand


What is a lie of commission/common lie?

What is saying something false.


What is hitting something/breaking something to get anger is a good way to destress? (T/F)

What is False, aggression increases anger in the long run.


What is... Miss G decides she doesnt want to go into work today. The kids are too much and she's above that. She calld up her boss and says she's feeling unwell. In her mind It's okay because she's been working bard non stop and deserves a day in Miami. What is Miss G':s thinming error(s)?

What is lying/justifying


What is.. Georgia was a bright girl okay. She knew her stuff and got by smoothly in class. She just never seemed to get her stuff in? She said this was mainly due to the fact that her teachers always seem to schedule work due way too far in advance. She says it gives her alot of time to prepare but eventually she forgets. What is Georgias thinking error(s)?

What is distant elephants/blaming


What is weaponized incompetence?

What is pretending you can't do something and acting as if you are more incapable than you actually are. to avoid.


What is a good lie?

What is none.

What is a good way to destress?

What is breathing, meditation, going on a walk, hobbies, anything good etc.


Three types of lies.

What are omission/half truths, commission, and assent/faking?


What is.. Hayden is spoiled. He doesnt seem to get bad grades in school up until recently but he doesnt seem to do much at home. All he does is sit in his room playing fortnite. One day though his mother walked in holding his most recent report card while he was in a ranked match with 8 people left, locked in out of his mind. She angrily asked what she was holding (6 F's) (Bro's cooked) and all he could muster up as a response is "I dont know I dont know go away I dont know". What is Haydens thinking error(s)?

What is Avoidance/Playing Dumb


What is minimizing?

What is acting as if something seems less important than it actually is.


What is a lie of assent/faking?

What is pretending to agree with something in order of gaining benefits.

What is anger?

What is an emotion that comes with a string feeling of annoyance, displeasure, and hostility. What is normal?


What is a thinking error?

What is thoughts we use to avoid accountability.
