True or False...
Feelings are a part of the cognitive triangle?
When we believe everything is only “good” or “bad”
Black or White Thinking
When we try to make a negative bigger, in effect, than what it is.
You assume that your negative emotions necessarily reflect the way things really are: “I feel it, therefore it must be true.”
Emotional Reasoning
Feeling awkward at a party leads to the conclusion: “I’m an awkward person."
True or False...
Our feelings come directly from situations we experience or hear about.
Our feelings actually stem from our THOUGHTS about situations, events, or experiences.
When we believe we know, for sure, what other people are feeling
Jumping to Conclusions (Mind Reading)
Assuming you know what's going to happen
Jumping to Conclusions (Fortune Telling)
Walking into a room and thinking everybody hates you.
Jumping to conclusions
I know what is really going on, but I act as if I don't so I can avoid having to make a hard choice.
True or False...
Behaviors are a part of the cognitive triangle?
When a person thinks that everything is “the end of the world”
You must please or impress others to maintain your value as a person or to keep from being devalued as a person
People pleasing
A checkout clerk is rude to you and you believe that you must have done something to cause it, when you may not have done anything at all.
I'm just going to pretend that is not true.
True or False...
Our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are not closely connected.
“Pointing the finger” to find an excuse not to solve the problem.
Making a broad rule based on a few limited occurrences. Example: believing that if one public speaking event went badly that all of them will.
Over Generalization
You dismiss positive experiences by insisting they “don’t count” for some reason or other. In this way you can maintain a negative belief that is contradicted by your everyday experiences.
Disqualifying the Positives
When a person makes a judgment based on some information but disregards other information. Example: Someone attends a party and afterward focuses on the one awkward look directed her way and ignores the hours of smiles.
Mental filter
True or False...
There is no way to change how you feel about a situation.
You can use thought challenging strategies to improve how you feel in the moment and long term.
"Put yourself in someone's shoes" and see things from their view.
You interact with them in a way to show that you care about their thoughts and feelings
Because you messed up, you stop and don't continue trying.
Giving up
When a person does not think of how their actions affects others.
Lack of empathy
I feel more important or deserving others even though I have done nothing to earn it.