Define "Drama and Excitment"
Attempting to keep the focus off you by creating problems (dramas). Drawing attention to yourself by creating problems (dramas).
Thoughts like “I am nothing,” “I am toxic,” or “I don’t deserve to be loved” reflect the zero state thinking error.
Zero State
Give an example of "I Can't"
Giving up before you even try because you believe you can't do it
Black and ______ thinking
One member of your team shares a thinking error they use most often and an example of when they used it.
Define "Love Approval and Respect"
The belief that it is absolutely necessary to have the love, approval and respect of everyone, even if you don’t like them. Everyone must idealize you or think you’re wonderful or you don’t feel good about yourself.
Let’s say a friend is going through a tough time and needs emotional support. However, you consistently steer the conversation back to your own problems or achievements.
Me first
Give an example of "Fallacy of Fairness."
You become upset because you think what has happened to you is unfair, even if you’re responsible for the outcome. Believing that when things are unfair you are justified in your behaviors or are entitled to something
What are the Three types of lying
Commission, omission, and assent
What is Manipulating?
Trying to make things a certain way, or get people to do what you want, or trying to have things your way by lying, conning or any other method needed to get your end result.
Define "Fallacy of Fairness"
You become upset because you think what has happened to you is unfair, even if you’re responsible for the outcome. Believing that when things are unfair you are justified in your behaviors or are entitled to something.
You go off on a tangent of anger, yelling to get others to back off and give you what you want.
Ranting and Raging
Give an example of "Assuming"
Coming to conclusions without getting all the information. Believing you know something without having the facts. Filling in unknown information with your own beliefs and/or thinking you already know.
______ this ______
Just this once
Two members of your team must act out a thinking error of their choice and have the rest of their team guess the right answer. Your team will have two guesses before it moves to the next team. (much like charades).
Define "Playing dumb"
Pretending you don’t know something, pretending you forgot or acting surprised in front of others when you’re not to avoid taking responsibility.
Life is to hard I am going to give up.
Failure to endure Adversity
Give an example of Closed Channel
Not being open for feedback from others. Not willing to look at possibilities or options
Power _______
What is perfectionism?
Perfectionism: Having to be perfect or not allowing yourself to make a mistake. My worth is directly related to how good I do things.
Define "The Dominator"
Using power, coercion, or manipulation to have power over or control others.
It doesn't matter that I am using, I will never get in trouble for it and I can quit whenever I want.
Magical thinking
I can _____ _______
control this
Tell me why Promises, promises, promises are a thinking error
Repeatedly making promises, sometimes never intending to keep them, so others will get off your back, so you can look good or get out of a tough situation.