I should have gotten a better grade.
example: I did the best I could. Next time I might try harder.
I am always the last to be picked to be on a team.
I am sometimes last to be picked for a team. It isn't the end of the world.
My friend is definitely mad at me.
I don't know if my friend is mad at me or not, so I am going to ask them.
I failed a test. I am probably going to fail the class.
I failed the test. I can ask for help so that I can better understand my work before the next test.
I got grounded for acting up at home.
I got grounded because my sister told on me.
I should have a good relationship with my family.
Family relationships are hard. I can try my best.
I never get good grades.
Sometimes I get a good grade and sometimes I don't.
Someone was staring at me. They might want to be my friend. They might be just staring into space.
I upset my teacher.
My teachers never like me.
I got in trouble at school.
I got in trouble at school because the teachers are mean.
I should look better and people might like me more.
I can try to practice good hygiene and wear clean clothes.
I hate school.
Sometimes I don't like school because the work is hard or because an adult has corrected me for having negative behavior.
My parents don't like me.
My parents don't like my negative behaviors.
I forgot to do my chores at home.
I'm never helpful to my family and I'm lazy.
I didn't get any school work done today.
I didn't get any school work done today because my classmates were distracting.
I should have had better behavior today.
Tomorrow I can try to behave better. I just have to ignore others that are off task.
I will never be successful in life.
Life might be hard, but I can learn and ask for help and sometimes I will succeed.
I got angry and got into trouble. I will always loose my temper.
I can learn anger management skills and practice them to better control my anger.
I upset a student in my class.
I upset a student in my class. No one in my class is going to like me.
I got in an argument with my sister.
My sister is rude and terrible all the time, it's her fault.
I should have been nicer to my friend but we got into an argument.
Next time I argue with my friend, I will ask to talk when I am calm.
I always get in trouble and my sister never does.
Sometimes I am guilty and sometimes my sister is guilty.
My family doesn't have a lot of money. I will never have money.
If I work hard and stay out of trouble, I will be more likely to have a career and make enough money.
I was suspended from school.
I will never succeed in school. I might as well quit.
I broke my game system because I was mad.
I broke my game system because my dad made me mad. It's my dad's fault.