________________before setup your station
clean, and sanitize your hands
How do Thio relaxers straighten the hair?
Thio relaxers break disulfide bonds and soften hair
For a Virgin application, Apply the Thio relaxer product started on the front section?
NO, we started on the back section.
Plastic hair clips are part of the sectioning.
Do not used a __________comb during a hair relaxer procedure
What is the common ingredient in a Thio type relaxer and permanent waving solution?
Ammonium Thioglacolate
Apply Thio relaxer to the ____ of the strand.
Plastic cape is another name for a?
Chemical cape
If client's shows an abrasion __________ the service
Do not perform
What's ATG means?
Ammonium Thioglycolate
Recommended subsections to apply Thio relaxer?
No wider than 1/4 inch -1/2 inch
A hard rubber comb with wider teeth will be used to distribute the neutralizer during the oxidizing process.
Rinse thoroughly with ________water to remove all traces of the relaxer
What is the purpose of the Neutralizer in Thio relaxing?
The oxidation reaction rebuilds the disulfide bonds that were broken by the Thio relaxer
Work the hair relaxer__________ to the scalp and through the ends of the scalp.
a Metal bowl can be used to mix the Thio- relaxer?
Wear_______, apply__________ around the ________and ________the ears.
gloves, protective cream, the hairline, over
What is the pH number for a Thio-Relaxer
pH of 10 and above.
After rinse the hair and remove all Thio relaxer traces, apply _______________. and leave for _________minutes.
Neutralizer, 5 minutes