When the teacher is talking, I should be…
How many students can be in the bathroom at once?
Three. Two students in bathroom and one at sink.
When do I get breakfast?
Before you come to class in the morning.
Why would you interrupt me during small groups?
If someone is very hurt or doing something unsafe.
What should be in my pencil box?
2 pencils, 1 pair of scissor, 1 expo marker, 1 glue stick, 1 crayon box
What kind of drinks can I have in my water bottle?
Water ONLY
What is our voice level in the bathroom?
Voice level 0
When do you make your lunch choice?
Right when you get to class.
Part of our morning routine.
What is a must do?
Something you HAVE to get done.
What does Mrs. B do when she sees a toy?
Put it in your back pack, if I see it twice it will stay with me until the end of the day. Please don't bring toys to class.
Why does the teacher only let two tables move around the room at different times?
We stay quiet and less crowded.
What does it mean to be in a right and tight line?
Stay on the right side of the hallway with hands to side.
What is our line order for lunch?
Home Lunch
School Lunch
What is a may-do?
Options after you are done with all your Must-Do(s) are done.
If you hear two quick whistles at Recess what should you do?
Line up in number order quickly and quietly
What do you do if there is a spill in the classroom?
Grab paper towels, clean up quickly
How do we line up for recess and specials?
In our number order.
Where do you sit at lunch?
With your class.
Can I move during reading stations?
You MUST stay in one spot unless you are meeting with me.
Where do I turn things in?
On the counter where your group tub is.
What do you do when you hear the teacher say, "High Five?"
Stop immediately and put your hand in the air.
What is Mrs. Bujarski's dog's name?
What is Mrs. B favorite color ?
How many books can I have in my book box?
Four books. Two from class library and Two from the school Library
School is important because….
Various answers.