How many points is a touchdown worth?
6 points
What is the date of Christmas?
December 25th
The number of players allowed in each square.
This sport features Chasers, Bludgers, and Seekers, and is played in real life in more than 39 countries.
clue: hockey, quidditch, floggerton
In this song, we sing "how lovely are thy branches."
O Christmas Tree!
What is the name of the mascot of the Oregon Ducks?
What is Santa known for?
Delivering toys to all the good girls and boys.
Each player may hit the ball with one hand or two hands, but the can only hit the ball...
Clue: Overhand, Underhand, Spike
In Major League Baseball, umpires are required to wear this color underwear (in case they split their pants).
clue: polka dots, stripes, black
What is the 9th reindeer?
Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer
How many downs can one team have before the other team gets possession?
4 downs
What is Frosty made of?
If the ball hits the inside lines (the cross), is the player who hit the ball "in" or "out."
They are out.
The ball used in this sport has exactly 108 stitches.
Clue: Lacrosse, Cricket, Baseball
A Baseball.
The number of geese-a-laying!
What city do the Buccaneers play in?
Tampa Bay, Florida
What does Santa say?
Ho Ho Ho, Merry Christmas!
What should happen if a player catches or holds a ball?
They are out.
All Winter Olympic events are played on snow or this.
Clue: water, grass, ice
These bells are heard when you are dashing through the snow.
Jingle Bells
How many Super Bowls has Tom Brady won?
7 superbowls
How do you say Merry Christmas in Spanish?
Feliz Navidad
What if the ball hits the outside lines of four-square? Is the ball still in play, or is the player who hit it out?
It is still in play.
Gobble Gobble! This is the term for getting three strikes in a row in bowling.
Clue: turkey, chicken, rooster
I am dreaming of a __________ Christmas.