two, second
duo, secundus-a-um
Name three animals
ursa, lupus, equus
I will be
Filius laborat
Filii laborant
Tela sunt gladii
The weapons are swords.
four, fourth
quattuor, quartus-a-um
Name three adjectives that describe God
bonus, magnus, sanctus, aeternus, summus,
they were
Barbarus parat
Barbari parant
Herbae sunt cibi
The herbs are food.
five, fifth
quinque, quintus-a-um
Name two things you can see in the sky
stella, ursa major
you are
Regnum pugnat
Regna pugnant
Discipuli sunt puellae
The students are girls.
seven, seventh
septem, septimus-a-um
Name two things having to do with education
magistra, discipulus, ludus
we are
Aquila vocat
Aquila vocant
Dona sunt regna.
The gifts are queens.
nine, ninth
novem, nonus-a-um
Name two things carried in battle
telum, signum, gladius
you all will be
Verbum laudat
Verba laudant
Filii sunt nautae.
The sons are sailors.