What is 195?
28 divided by 4
What is 7?
There are 12 people on each swimming team. There are 8 teams competing at the meet. Each person is swimming in the competition. If 2 teams drop out, how many total people will still be competing?
What is 72 people?
Write two equivalent fractions to 1/2
What is 3/6, 4/8, 5/10, 6/12, 2/4..etc.
Frank caught 36 fish. He put his fish into two nets with the same number of fish in each net.
Then, Frank decides to throw half of the fish from one net back into the sea. How many total fish does Frank have left?
What is 27?
What is 504?
78 divided by 13
What is 6?
There are 81 students at the assembly. Each row of students has the same number of students. There are 9 rows. How many students are in each row?
One person gets added to each row. Now how many total students are at the assembly?
What is 9 students in each row? What is 90 students total?
Determine if 14/4 is a whole number. With words, explain why or why not.
What is no because 4 is not a multiple of 14?
I can not evenly divide 14 into 4 equal groups.
When counting by 4s, I will never reach 14.
There are 50 people in line to order popcorn at the movies. Each popcorn costs 3 dollars. Of the 50 people in line, 25 of them also order a 4 dollar drink. How much total money do the 50 people spend at the movies?
What is 250 dollars?
350 x 10
What is 3,500?
96 divided by 12
What is 8?
Mrs. Brown gives out stickers for good behavior. Piper gets 5 stickers on Tuesday. Ginger gets 3 times as many stickers as Piper. By the end of the week, Piper ends up with 20 total stickers. If Ginger doubled her amount from Tuesday, how many more stickers does Ginger have than Piper?
What is 10 more stickers?
Write 3 fractions that are equivalent to the whole number 3
What is 12/4, 15/5, 9/3, etc.
There are 16 horses competing in the derby. 5 horses are brown, 4 horses are black, and the rest are white.
The white horses have gold hooves. How many total gold hooves are at the derby?
What is 28 hooves?
450 x 12
What is 5,400?
84 divided by 6
What is 14?
At Starbucks, a latte cost 7 dollars. 12 cars in line order a latte.
The next day 13 more lattes are sold. How much total money did Starbucks make from lattes in two days?
What is 175 dollars?
Write 3 fractions that are equivalent to the whole number 6
What is 36/6, 18/3, 24/4, etc.
The Easter Bunny is dropping jelly beans in baskets. In Julia's basket, he drops 42 jelly beans. There are 6 different colored jelly beans and the same amount of each color. How many of each color does Julia have?
Dani got double the amount of jelly beans. How many of each color does Dani have?
What is 14?
48 x 12
What is 576?
72 divided by 3
What is 24?
There are 96 monkeys at the zoo. The monkeys are separated evenly into 12 different cages. How many monkeys are in each cage?
If three cages contain lemurs, 2 cages contain chimpanzees, and the rest are bonobos, how many total bonobos are there at the zoo?
What is 56 bonobos?
What is a fraction equivalent to when it has the same numerator and denominator?
What do I know about a fraction who's numerator is bigger than it's denominator?
What is one whole?
What is my fraction is greater than one?
At the fair, one balloon cost 8 dollars. 14 balloons were sold on Friday, 16 balloons were sold on Saturday, and 20 balloons were sold on Sunday. How much total money did the fair make from balloon sales on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday?
What is 400 dollars?