Entering the Classroom
Carpet Expectations
Walking in the Halls
Rewards, Motivations and Consequences
Leaving the Classroom

Where do we wait silently to be let in the classroom?

A: Outside the door in the hallway

B: By the office

C: In the front of the school

A: Outside the door in the hallway


Who should you choose to sit by on the carpet?

A: Your best friends

B: Your favorite pet

C: Someone who is trying their best to listen.

C: Someone who is trying their best to listen.


What level voice do we use in the hallway?

Level Zero


We earn PBIS points by

A: follow procedures

B: following our social contract

C: making choices that will help our classroom be a place of learning

D: All of the Above

D: All of the Above

follow procedures, following our social contract, making choices that will help our classroom be a place of learning


How do we line up for Specials and Recess?

A: First come, first serve

B: Number order

C: As slow as we can

B: Number order


What is the earliest time students can enter the classroom and the latest time where they will not be marked tardy or absent?

A: 730am enter and 745am is the latest

B: 740am enter and 755am is the latest

C: 745am enter and 800am is the latest

C: 745am enter and 800am is the latest


How many rows are available on the carpet?

A: two

B: three

C: three and a half

B: three


What body language do we need to have in the hallway?

A: Eyes forward, mouth turned off and hands together or put in our pockets.

B: Eyes forward, mouth turned off and hands by our side. 

C: Eyes forward, mouth turned off and hands ready to give high fives and hugs. 

A: Eyes forward, mouth turned off and hands together or put in our pockets.


Name 2 ways we can earn points as a class.

Receiving a compliment from another teacher, answering to a call back the 1st time, t-up quickly for a teacher or school adult, all table groups or learning groups working on task...

Complete the sentence. When we're finished packing up at the end of the day, we place our backpacks on our _____________, then come back to class after recess and ____________ to line up until it is time to go home.

We place our backpacks on our desks...put them on


Before students enter the classroom what must students wait for?

A: The lights to be on

B: Mrs. Parry to greet students. 

C: The announcements to be on. 

B: Mrs. Parry to greet students.


What level voice do we have on the carpet when Mrs. Parry or someone else is presenting?

A: Whisper level 1

B: Table talk level 2

C: Silent level 0

C: Silent level 0


What if we need to talk to Mrs. Parry when we are in the hallway?

If we need to talk to Mrs. Parry, we wait until we get where we are going, follow directions for that space and then raise our hand.


How many PBIS points do I need to be able to cash out with Mr. Raya every two weeks?

A: 10 points

B: 20 points

C: 50 points

D: 100 points

20 points


How far does the line leader have to stand from the opening of the door way?

Behind the length of the open door. 


What are the three things in order that students need to do after greeting Mrs. Parry at the door?

A: Go say hi to their friends, have a seat at their desk, wait for Mrs. Parry to ask them to hang up their backpack.

B: Make their lunch choice, unpack their backpack and head to their seat to begin morning work using a whisper, level one voice.

C: Hang up their backpack, make a lunch choice and begin morning work using a table talk, level 2 voice.

B: Make their lunch choice, unpack their backpack and head to their seat to begin morning work using a whisper, level one voice.


How many seconds/minutes do students get to make it to the carpet?

A: 5 minutes

B: 1 minute

C: Ask many seconds/ minutes as Mrs. Parry says.

C: Ask many seconds/ minutes as Mrs. Parry says.


Which side of the hallway do we walk on, other than dismissal?

A: The right side of the hallway

B: The left side of the hallway

C: The middle of the hallway

A: The right side of the hallway


What is it called when we do something right and do not get a reward?

Intrinsic Motivation


What two things does a student need to do in order to go to the nurse or the counselor?

They need to get permission from Mrs. Parry and they need to fill out a slip to bring with them. 


If students need help with something after they enter in the classroom what should they do?

A: Come up and ask Mrs. Parry

B: Raise their hand and wait for Mrs. Parry

C: Get started on morning work and raise their hand after Mrs. Parry is done greeting all students at the door.

C: Get started on morning work and raise their hand after Mrs. Parry is done greeting all students at the door.


What is the way everyone needs to sit on the carpet? Why?

Criss cross apple sauce, spoons in your bowl so they only take up the amount of space that they need and everyone keeps their hands to themselves.


How far should we be from the bulletin boards in the hallway?

A: A hand's length away

B: An arm's length away

C: Shoulder on the wall

Bonus point if you can answer why. 

B: An arm's length away


What happens if I choose to not follow the social contract? When do I get to reset?

I will be asked 4 questions to help me. I will be given a break card. If I continue to repeat the negative behavior, my parents will be contacted, I will need to bring home the break card, have my parents sign it and bring it back to school the next day. If I don't bring it back signed, my teacher will call my parents in for a conference. If I still choose to not follow the social contract, I will have to go see the Assistant Principal, Mr. Junaud. 

I get to reset every subject throughout the day and start fresh.


What are 4 of the line-enders responsibilities?

- standing last in line

- making sure all students are out of the classroom

- turning the lights off

- closing the door/doors. 
