Step 5.1: Repentance
Step 5.2: Repentance
Step 6: Remembrance of Death
Step 7: Mourning
Step 8: Meekness/ Loss of Anger

What is a sign of proof of having been delivered from our failings?

The unceasing acknowledgement of our indebtedness

Who has given us joy? Resentment? How are we ought to use them?

Joy is ours by nature, but it should be joy on account of the Lord and for the sake of doing good to our neighbor. Nature has given us resentment, but that ought to be against the enemies of our souls.


What does the remembrance of death produce?

The remembrance of death . . . produces freedom from daily worries and breeds constant prayer and guarding of the mind, virtues that are the cause and the effect of the thought of death.


What is the relationship between mourning and baptism? Why is mourning so important?

The tears that come after baptism are greater than baptism itself, though it may seem rash to say so. Baptism washes off those evils that were previously within us, whereas the sins committed after baptism are washed away by tears. The baptism received by us as children we have all defiled, but we cleanse it anew with our tears.


Who does malice thrive in?

The deceptively meek and silent. 


What can a lack of guilt be the result of?

Lack of guilt could be the result of adjusting to sin and passively accepting our condition. Time for quiet reflection before prayer can help us to recognize where we are going wrong—not only in what we have done, but in what we have failed to do.


How did the saints transform their passions?

the saints did not give up anger, but directed it toward sin rather than their fellow man. Their hatred was turned on their own transgressions. Their envy was transformed into a burning desire to imitate the saints. And what of their sexual love? This burning passion was turned to God. It would be no exaggeration to say they had fallen head over heels in love with Him:

I have watched impure souls mad for physical love but turning what they know of such love into a reason for penance and transferring that same capacity for love to the Lord. . . . That is why, when talking of the chaste harlot, the Lord does not say, “because she feared,” but rather, “because she loved much” she was able to drive out love with love (Luke 7:47).


What is the difference between the fear to death and the terror of death?

Fear of death is a property of nature due to disobedience, but terror of death is a sign of unrepented sins.


St. John describes unawareness of one's sanctity as what? This allows one to be impervious to what?

Splendid ignorance; pride


Is solitude a remedy for anger? Why or why not?

Solitude is not a remedy for anger.

When we try to escape the struggle for long-suffering by retreating into solitude, those unhealed passions we take there with us are merely hidden, not erased; for unless our passions are first purged, solitude and withdrawal from the world not only foster them but also keep them concealed, no longer allowing us to perceive what passion it is that enslaves us.


Why is confession a sacrament?

Because it reconciles us to the Church and, if we have committed grievous sins that prohibit us from participation in the Eucharist, it brings us back into eucharistic communion with our fellow Christians. Sin separates us from God and from one another. The priest in confession represents not only Christ, but also the Church.


What is repentance a movement toward?

Thus repentance is not only penitence and contrition, but movement toward goodness, wholeness, forgiveness, and joy. It is not negative, but positive. It looks not down into hell, but up into heaven. Its fruits are hope, diligence, peace, joy, and self-control. It is a renewal of baptism, a baptism of tears that washes away our sins and purifies the soul, giving us a clean slate and a fresh start.


What is the remembrance of death rooted in? What is the remembrance of judgement an encouragement for?

The remembrance of death is rooted in the knowledge that beyond death lies eternity. 

The remembrance of the judgment is an encouragement to zeal.


What are the first fruits of mourning? Describe them

Peace and joy

The depths of mourning have witnessed comfort, and enlightenment has followed on purity of heart. Enlightenment is something indescribable, an activity that is unknowingly perceived and invisibly seen. Comfort is the balm of a distressed soul, which at the same time both cries and shouts happily, just like a child. Divine help is the renewal of a soul bowed by grief in such a way that painful tears are marvelously transformed into painless ones.


What is the root of anger? How is it cured?

The root of anger is pride.

Freedom from anger is an endless wish for dishonor, whereas among the vainglorious there is a limitless thirst for praise. Freedom from anger is a triumph over one’s nature. It is the ability to be impervious to insults, and comes by hard work and the sweat of one’s brow.


Why should we hurry to embrace confession?

A fresh, warm wound is easier to heal than those that are old, neglected, and festering, and that need extensive treatment, surgery, bandaging, and cauterization. Long neglect can render many of them incurable. However, all things are possible with God (Matt. 19:26).


How should every Christian live every day of their life?

this is how every Christian is to live every day of his life: we must pray, forgive, be generous, and live a simple life; we should go to church, confess our sins, endure all things with patience and humility, and show love to all.


What are the three stages of mourning? Describe them?

1. Temperance 

2. Loss of anger

3. Compassion

Those making some progress in blessed mourning are usually temperate and untalkative. Those who have succeeded in making real progress do not become angry and do not bear grudges. As for the perfect—these are humble, they long for dishonor, they look out for involuntary sufferings, they do not condemn sinners and they are inordinately compassionate.


What are the three stages of freedom from anger?

The first step toward freedom from anger is to keep the lips silent when the heart is stirred; the next, to keep thoughts silent when the soul is upset; the last, to be calm when unclean winds are blowing.


What is the relationship between repentance and the passions?

Repentance does not mean giving up our passions, but mastering them. The passions, if properly directed, can make us saints.


What is the importance in remembering death?

When we remember death, life is put into perspective. No one who has acquired the remembrance of death will ever be able to sin. The remembrance of death does not mean giving up on life, but living the life the way we ought to. The man who has died to all things remember death, but whoever holds some ties with the world will not cease plotting against himself.


Why should we be careful when we speak of Jesus as an example?

we must sometimes be careful when we speak of Jesus as an example, for as God, He had a right to do and say some things no one else has the right to do or say.
