
What is Convex Lens?

With a curved shape that bulges from the centre and tapers towards the edges, a convex lens – also referred to as a converging lens, is an optical device that is transparent. The lens is able to converge parallel rays of light that pass through it due to the fact that it’s thicker at the centre than it is at the edges.


what is Electromagnetic Waves

Electromagnetic waves are waves that can flow through a vacuum (empty space). They do not require a medium or materials to trave


what is Gamma Rays

 Gamma Rays have the wavelength less than 0.1A or 10-11 m . Used in radiation cancer therapy in medical field. It kills cancer cells. Its source is cosmic rays, radioactive substances.


what are Microwaves

 It has the wavelength 107A to 1011A. Its source is crystal oscillators and used in cooking, radar, speed gun telephone and other signals.


what are Sound Waves

Sound is characterized as a mechanical wave, propagates through a medium via vibrational motion. The essence of a sound wave lies in its creation as a disturbance that emanates from a source and travels outward. These waves, known as longitudinal waves, signify that the particle vibration aligns parallels with the energy wave propagation. In the course of particle vibration, atoms oscillate a continual back-and-forth motion. This rhythmic movement establishes alternating high-pressure and low-pressure zones within the medium. These zones are termed compressions and rarefactions, respectively.


what is Gravitational Force

Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation is used to explain gravitational force. Gravitational Force is a type of Non-contact force, the gravitational force is a force in nature that is always attractive and conservative. Gravitational Force is defined as the force of attraction experienced by two or more objects in contact. Gravitational force is determined by the formula obtained from Newton’s Universal Law of Attraction, known as the Gravitational Force Formula. Our environment is surrounded by gravity. It determines how much we weigh and how far a basketball will bounce before hitting the ground when it is thrown. The force the Earth applies to you is equal to the gravitational force on Earth. The gravitational force is equal to your weight while you are at rest on or near the Earth’s surface. Also, the presence of a gravitational field is required in the heat transfer through natural convection.


what is light waves

Light waves, like other kinds of waves, transport energy from a source. They are made up of discrete energy particles known as photons. Photons have no mass, yet they have momentum and energy. There are kinds of light waves that cannot be seen by human vision, just as there are sounds that cannot be heard because they are outside the range of human hearing. Wavelength and frequency, on the other hand, are shared by all forms of waves. The distance between adjacent portions of a wave is defined as its wavelength (e.g., crest to crest or trough to trough). The number of waves that pass at a fixed place at a particular time, on the other hand, is referred to as frequency.


what are X-rays 

X- Rays have the wavelength 0.1A to 100A and used to see the inner body part. Its source is high energy electrons.


what are Radio Waves

Radio Waves have the wavelength above 1011A. It is used to broadcast the radio and television.


How does a Convex Lens work?

Converging at a focal point on the opposite side of the lens, refracted (bent) light rays are what make a convex lens work. This process of refraction is what causes the light rays to bend towards its optical axis, resulting in parallel light rays.


what is longitudinal wave 

displacement of the point on the traveling sound wave

what is thermal energy 

Thermal energy is the energy that exists within a system. It’s in charge of maintaining the system’s temperature. Heat is the transfer of thermal energy. Thermodynamics is a discipline of physics that studies the transport of heat between different types of systems. It also concerns the manner in which the task is completed throughout the procedure


what is Ultraviolet

 It has the wavelength 100A to 4000A and used in fluorescent tubes. Its source is sunlight, arc lamp which is harmful for our skin.


what are Matter Wave

The dual nature of matter was introduced by the French physicist De Broglie, who proposed that all matter possesses wave-like characteristics, termed as matter waves. According to this concept, when matter particles are in motion at higher velocities, they exhibit wave-like behavior. The associated wavelength of these matter waves is known as the De Broglie wavelength and is defined by the equation:


What is a Concave Lens?

A thin center and thick edges make up the concave lens, which is an optical element that is transparent. What it does is it diverges light rays, and regardless of the location of the object, it only creates virtual images


what are mechanical waves ?

Mechanical waves are waves that require a medium in order to transfer energy away from their source. Some common examples of mechanical waves are earthquake waves that travel through layers within the earth. Sound waves are also mechanical waves that travel through the air, water, and solid matter.


what is Wavelength 

Wavelength: The Wavelength, denoted as λ, marks the distance between any two successive crests or troughs of a wave. This length is determined by the Wave’s velocity (ν) and Frequency (f), as given by the formula λ=ν/f.


what is Visible light

Visible light has the wavelength 4000A to 8000A. Its source is sunlight and helps in seeing objects of different colors.


Wave Speed Formula

Wave Speed, denoting the overall distance travelled by a wave within a specific timeframe, is calculated using the formula:


what is Laws of Reflection

Laws of Reflection is a principle or rule that governs the phenomenon of reflection of light. The law of reflection states that a light ray will reflect off a surface at the same angle that it hit it when it comes into contact with it. The angle at which a light beam strikes a surface is known as the angle of incidence, and the angle at which the beam of light bounces off the surface is known as the angle of reflection. You can always determine how a light ray will behave, i.e., what direction it will go in and at what angle, by observing a single light ray approach and bounce off a flat mirror. In general, this is how the law of reflection works.


what is transverse waves ?

In physics, a transverse wave is a wave that oscillates perpendicularly to the direction of the wave's advance. In contrast, a longitudinal wave travels in the direction of its oscillations. All waves move energy from place to place without transporting the matter in the transmission medium if there is one


what is  Amplitude

Amplitude (A), denoted as A, representing the wave’s energy, is the peak displacement from the neutral position. A higher amplitude signifies greater energy.


what are Infrared waves

 It has the wavelength 8000A to 107A. Its source is lamp with thoriated filament. It is used in remote control light and CCTV light.


what are Standing Waves

Standing Waves also called stationary waves show a unique characteristic of remaining stationary, no transfer of energy or momentum. Standing Waves involves the superposition of two harmonic waves, both possessing equal amplitude and frequency. These waves travel in opposite directions across the medium, resulting in the creation of stationary patterns. Standing waves are synonymous with stationary waves and are recognized by the presence of nodes and antinodes. At antinodes, the particle’s amplitude of vibration reaches its peak, while at nodes; it attains its lowest point.


sound waves 

Music connects in places where words cannot be heard. Music and sound are a part of our daily lives. A sound is a type of energy that provides us with the ability to hear. We view items around us by sensing light from them with our eyes. Similarly, ears are employed to sense sound. The vibration of things produces sound, which is transported across a medium from one spot to another.

The back and forth motion of an item is referred to as vibration. Vibrations are caused by the movement of things. We can see the vibrations with our own eyes in many cases. While their amplitude is so little in certain situations that we cannot see them, we may feel them only. Let’s discuss the vibrations and sound produced by the vibrating body more deeply.

What are Vibrations?
