This day is Ms. Abdi's birthday
When is October 11th?
I don't wear this even though Vera always tells me to.
What is a coat?
I like eatz dis fud
What is poutine?
Setting things ablaze illegally occurs most in this city.
Where is Detroit, Michigan?
V likes to do this
What is reading
What was V's first comic (pusheen)
What is the Pi pie comic?
This is something I like to do when I'm bored.
What is solitaire?
Dis burd duz da sapinich or vinach
What is Duo Lingo?
The word "dookie" is an informal version of this word.
What is excrement?
Aberry's character is called this
Who is Kat Otatop Tac
Vera hates this person.
Who is Alessio?
Avery is obsessed with this food
What are potatos?
Da chipps par of tabl iz dis thing
What is a fish?
...this is Pi followed by...
Versace-toe and e-ma made this book/short story
what is bald egg's wedding
This person got hit in the forehead with a pen.
Who is max?
Bald egg is married to this person/egg.
Who is shinie egg?
I gat ma nailz panted on dis daie
When is Sunday?
There are this many cabinet drawers in the lab of science.
What is 28?
Elmo had an obsession with this persons
Who is Billy Collins?
This is how many Hayleys I know.
How many is four?
Buvery is a robot of___
Who is Avery?
Aberry wuz playin dis gam at 2:52 pm
What is Google doodle?
There were this many sumikko gurashi sticky papers on my book of chrome.
V is this character
Who is Mal Deritmi